2000 Most Common Haitian Creole Words

This is a list of the 2000 most commonly used words in the Haitian Creole language.

Gujarati … <-- … 2000 Most Common Words … –> … Hebrew

Rank Haitian Creole English
1 la the
2 yo dwe to be
3 ak and
4 pou to
5 nan of
6 Mwen I
7 pous in
8 genyen to have
9 sa that
10 li he
11 pa not
12 li his
13 li her
14 li it
15 ou you
16 avèk with
17 pou for
18 pou fè to do
19 li she
20 kòm as
21 sou on
22 di to say
23 nan at
24 li him
25 soti nan from
26 men but
27 mwen me
28 mwen my
29 ale to go
30 yo they
31 tout all
32 pa by
33 sa a this
34 youn one
35 deyò out
36 leve up
37 Konnen to know
38 se konsa so
39 yon an
40 to see
41 te kapab could
42 oswa or
43 yo them
44 jwenn to get
45 nou we
46 renmen like
47 vini to come
48 nonm man
49 Kisa what
50 to make
51 la there
52 sou about
53 ki which
54 yo their
55 nan … into
56 panse to think
57 gade to look
58 si if
59 kiyès who
60 Kilè when
61 pran to take
62 tan time
63 non no
64 tounen back
65 kapab to can
66 pral to will
67 ou your
68 plis more
69 lè sa a then
70 desann down
71 bon good
72 fini over
73 pou di to tell
74 kounye a now
75 men hand
76 kèk some
77 vle to want
78 jis just
79 sèlman only
80 pase than
81 fason way
82 bay to give
83 lòt other
84 jou day
85 je eye
86 anvan before
87 mande to ask
88 jwenn to find
89 de two
90 ti kras little
91 lontan long
92 trè very
93 santi to feel
94 nenpòt any
95 bagay thing
96 tou too
97 isit la here
98 pa janm never
99 kite to leave
100 moun person
101 ansyen old
102 tèt head
103 vire to turn
104 ankò again
105 nan through
106 menm even
107 figi face
108 anpil much
109 koupe off
110 nou us
111 premye first
112 dwa right
113 nou our
114 ki jan … how
115 kote where
116 apre after
117 li yo its
118 fanm woman
119 ale away
120 lavi life
121 sanble to seem
122 rele to call
123 toujou still
124 tande to hear
125 ane year
126 posede own
127 travay to work
128 ta dwe should
129 kote place
130 chanm room
131 byen well
132 kanpe to stand
133 a dwe to must
134 tèt li himself
135 alantou around
136 pòt door
137 pou ka to might
138 yon bagay something
139 eseye to try
140 renmen to love
141 kay house
142 lannwit night
143 mete to put
144 gwo great
145 sa yo such
146 kenbe to keep
147 chita to sit
148 dènye last
149 komanse to begin
150 paske because
151 sa yo those
152 sa yo these
153 mo word
154 Pou itilize to use
155 bezwen to need
156 louvri to open
157 kenbe to hold
158 yon lòt another
159 pandan y ap while
160 pifò most
161 pale to talk
162 kite to let
163 sou upon
164 byen lwen far
165 san without
166 lakay home
167 souri to smile
168 toujou always
169 vwa voice
170 timoun child
171 papa father
172 mache to walk
173 jèn young
174 vle di to mean
175 pa gen anyen nothing
176 kouri to run
177 menm si though
178 moman moment
179 kont against
180 manman mother
181 menm same
182 non name
183 pale to speak
184 anpil many
185 lide mind
186 kèk few
187 pote to bring
188 limyè light
189 fèmen to close
190 side
191 tout tan ever
192 pou avanse pou pi to move
193 pou ka to may
194 zanmi friend
195 chak every
196 bra arm
197 twa three
198 yon fwa once
199 ase enough
200 yo vin to become
201 ti fi girl
202 anba under
203 nouvo new
204 fen end
205 viv to live
206 tou also
207 ede to help
208 ant between
209 mond world
210 tonbe to fall
211 Komanse to start
212 chak each
213 tann to wait
214 gade to watch
215 sispann to stop
216 anyen anything
217 tou de both
218 pye foot
219 pati part
220 piti small
221 jouk until
222 vrèman really
223 reponn to answer
224 montre to show
225 ti gason boy
226 li menm herself
227 Manti to lie
228 asire w sure
229 kou course
230 rive to happen
231 kwè to believe
232 retounen to return
233 dèyè behind
234 pwen point
235 pwochen next
236 ankò yet
237 heart
238 dlo water
239 prèske almost
240 ranje to set
241 body
242 poukisa why
243 pase to pass
244 maten morning
245 èdtan hour
246 son sound
247 rankontre to meet
248 Bondye God
249 blan white
250 pou sonje to remember
251 kalite kind
252 swete to hope
253 atenn to reach
254 mouri to die
255 difisil hard
256 move bad
257 mwatye half
258 ri to laugh
259 fanmi family
260 depi since
261 segondè high
262 Liv book
263 pwoblèm matter
264 etap step
265 chanje to change
266 kesyon question
267 atravè across
268 konprann to understand
269 swiv to follow
270 ansanm together
271 madanm wife
272 rale to pull
273 ansanm along
274 tab table
275 jwe to play
276 pèdi to lose
277 gwo big
278 kriye to cry
279 nwa black
280 cheve hair
281 li to read
282 devan front
283 pou voye to send
284 byen quite
285 kraze to break
286 mwen menm myself
287 a va to shall
288 deja already
289 minit minute
290 fènwa dark
291 byento soon
292 kabann bed
293 nan direksyon toward
294 antye whole
295 machin car
296 fenèt window
297 souke to shake
298 lòt bagay else
299 repo rest
300 lajan money
301 reyalite fact
302 pitit gason son
303 ekri to write
304 dife fire
305 dezyèm fwa second
306 rete to stay
307 sezi to wonder
308 ka case
309 istwa story
310 liy line
311 grandi to grow
312 air
313 vle to wish
314 te panse thought
315 leve to rise
316 pi piti least
317 plen full
318 trape to catch
319 dirije to lead
320 gwo large
321 parèt to appear
322 tout bagay everything
323 pran swen to care
324 pote to carry
325 lanmò death
326 dòmi to sleep
327 touye to kill
328 lide idea
329 reponn to reply
330 mete to wear
331 miray wall
332 kondi to drive
333 tou pre near
334 trase to draw
335 zepòl shoulder
336 semèn week
337 pase past
338 mouri dead
339 byen bonè early
340 fikse to stare
341 pou kont li alone
342 sans sense
343 bouch mouth
344 olye rather
345 sipòte to bear
346 kat four
347 kontinye to continue
348 pyebwa tree
349 frè brother
350 rezon reason
351 chwal horse
352 lòt moun others
353 lòd order
354 anpil lot
355 senk five
356 manyen to touch
357 wonn round
358 gwo twou san fon deep
359 lèt letter
360 sipoze to suppose
361 fòs force
362 vil town
363 manje to eat
364 klè clear
365 marye to marry
366 voye to throw
367 peyi country
368 prezan present
369 andedan inside
370 etaj floor
371 peye to pay
372 souke tèt to nod
373 dwèt finger
374 rete to remain
375 dechire tear
376 lari street
377 dam lady
378 mwens less
379 fear
380 yon moun someone
381 biznis business
382 kapab able
383 chèz chair
384 bliye to forget
385 chwazi to pick
386 atann to expect
387 wouj red
388 pouvwa power
389 gade to glance
390 petèt perhaps
391 kout short
392 ground
393 vre true
394 lèv lip
395 reyèl real
396 abiye to dress
397 mwa month
398 koute to listen
399 an reta late
400 lekòl school
401 swa either
402 kiyès whom
403 ba low
404 nan mitan among
405 mari husband
406 ajoute to add
407 diferan different
408 gout to drop
409 bwè to drink
410 Aprann to learn
411 toudenkou suddenly
412 papye paper
413 peyi land
414 sòt sort
415 souvan often
416 aswè evening
417 pi wo a above
418 san hundred
419 deside to decide
420 remake to notice
421 pitit fi daughter
422 biwo … office
423 frèt cold
424 figi figure
425 wout la road
426 santi feeling
427 pann to hang
428 koupe to cut
429 nimewo number
430 amann fine
431 vil city
432 sipriz to surprise
433 leve to raise
434 ranpli to fill
435 plizyè several
436 ki whose
437 pòv poor
438 sèten certain
439 pwobableman probably
440 Anons sa pibliye depi ago
441 tèt top
442 lakòz to cause
443 antre to enter
444 pare ready
445 ble blue
446 nan … within
447 tèt yo themselves
448 avanse forward
449 sister
450 depanse to spend
451 eta state
452 sepandan however
453 goumen to fight
454 strong
455 bo to kiss
456 pandan during
457 ti jan bit
458 tanpri to please
459 deyò outside
460 janm leg
461 mwen renmen anpil dear
462 kontan happy
463 rèv dream
464 Remak note
465 mal wrong
466 reyalize to realize
467 enterè interest
468 san blood
469 rapidman quickly
470 eksplike to explain
471 van wind
472 imen human
473 Seyè Lord
474 monte to ride
475 pou kouvri to cover
476 panche to lean
477 pèmèt to allow
478 dis ten
479 dout doubt
480 ven twenty
481 mesye sir
482 bèl beautiful
483 lagè war
484 bèl pretty
485 dousman slowly
486 posib possible
487 pwoblèm trouble
488 vizite to visit
489 chans chance
490 pouse to push
491 gratis free
492 souf breath
493 pyès piece
494 solèy sun
495 verite truth
496 rive to arrive
497 konsidere to consider
498 si wi ou non whether
499 aji to act
500 tèt li itself
501 ni nor
502 nenpòt ki moun anyone
503 siyen sign
504 kontra deal
505 travèse to cross
506 glass
507 travay job
508 fini to finish
509 chichote to whisper
510 etidye to study
511 fòm form
512 fasil easy
513 laj age
514 foto picture
515 sis six
516 finalman finally
517 achte to buy
518 silans silence
519 chen dog
520 kouche to lay
521 je sight
522 zòrèy ear
523 pou ofri to offer
524 bato ship
525 tèt ou yourself
526 nan direksyon pou towards
527 lanmè sea
528 bag ring
529 pwomèt to promise
530 leve to lift
531 vole to fly
532 mil thousand
533 devine to guess
534 kwen corner
535 enkyete to worry
536 vi view
537 pwoblèm problem
538 akote beside
539 telefòn phone
540 atansyon attention
541 kache to hide
542 manke to miss
543 kontanple gaze
544 lapolis police
545 pou konsève pou to save
546 pati party
547 Angle English
548 wòch stone
549 etranj strange
550 ti bebe baby
551 afraid
552 doulè pain
553 vag wave
554 kwizin kitchen
555 dakò to agree
556 fè grèv to strike
557 peze to press
558 vèt green
559 koup couple
560 nèg guy
561 regrèt sorry
562 eksperyans experience
563 jouk till
564 Ameriken American
565 petèt maybe
566 chèz seat
567 woule to roll
568 tout bon indeed
569 soufle to blow
570 pafwa sometimes
571 lou heavy
572 nanm soul
573 enpòtan important
574 jenn ti kabrit kid
575 cho warm
576 enkyetid to concern
577 mwen mine
578 pozisyon position
579 cho hot
580 doktè doctor
581 pi lwen pase beyond
582 rele to shout
583 sijè subject
584 dine dinner
585 tcheke to check
586 lespri spirit
587 apremidi afternoon
588 ofisye officer
589 trankil quiet
590 dezi desire
591 eksepte except
592 latè earth
593 imajine to imagine
594 pran yon poz to pause
595 apwòch to approach
596 kou neck
597 mil mile
598 fason manner
599 jwenn to join
600 manje food
601 bilding building
602 baton to stick
603 kwen edge
604 jaden field
605 nati nature
606 rivyè river
607 wòch rock
608 zam gun
609 mansyone to mention
610 dwat straight
611 lajè wide
612 konpayi company
613 syèl la sky
614 tire to shoot
615 bwa wood
616 frape to hit
617 danse to dance
618 foul moun crowd
619 boule to burn
620 parèy fellow
621 ekspresyon expression
622 bwat box
623 kontwòl control
624 legliz la church
625 soupi to sigh
626 tout moun everyone
627 chwazi to choose
628 pataje to share
629 sijere to suggest
630 wa king
631 paran parent
632 bèl nice
633 glise to slip
634 pou konstwi to build
635 sou onto
636 prèske nearly
637 memwa memory
638 rad clothes
639 rapò report
640 Senpleman simply
641 aksepte to accept
642 jwi to enjoy
643 po skin
644 sekrè secret
645 sètènman certainly
646 jwèt game
647 konvèsasyon conversation
648 bato boat
649 vid empty
650 jodi a today
651 lanfè hell
652 sèvi to serve
653 mou soft
654 chape to escape
655 ton tone
656 yo rayi to hate
657 direksyon direction
658 eseye attempt
659 byenke although
660 gwoup group
661 yon souflèt cheek
662 pòch pocket
663 jere to manage
664 wi yes
665 pou fè rechèch to search
666 pran sant to smell
667 prentan spring
668 jeneral general
669 mitan middle
670 kont account
671 kite left
672 egzakteman exactly
673 sèvis service
674 apre following
675 fè mal to hurt
676 chaj charge
677 piblik public
678 rezoud to settle
679 plezi pleasure
680 olye de sa instead
681 dekouvri to discover
682 mesye gentleman
683 gold
684 kèlkeswa sa whatever
685 nouvèl news
686 jenou knee
687 klere bright
688 imedyatman immediately
689 kontan glad
690 bat to beat
691 vit fast
692 sèl single
693 aktyèlman actually
694 distans distance
695 resevwa to receive
696 plas spot
697 sèn scene
698 demann to demand
699 admèt to admit
700 tren train
701 klas class
702 bèt animal
703 biwo desk
704 sal hall
705 pwatrin chest
706 mèt master
707 kafe coffee
708 fè konfyans to trust
709 gad palè guard
710 silans silent
711 efè effect
712 lonbraj shadow
713 chante to sing
714 sak bag
715 pwouve to prove
716 Franse French
717 wotè tall
718 anba beneath
719 Chache to seek
720 okenn none
721 prese to rush
722 montay mountain
723 prepare to prepare
724 sòlda soldier
725 diman hardly
726 ba bar
727 souri to grin
728 istwa history
729 pwòp clean
730 pou vann to sell
731 maryaj marriage
732 aksyon action
733 vilaj la village
734 manm member
735 lavni future
736 ti mòn hill
737 espesyalman especially
738 jaden garden
739 dous sweet
740 lapli rain
741 karaktè character
742 vwayaje to travel
743 atak attack
744 fèmen to shut
745 fimen smoke
746 san danje safe
747 espas space
748 zòn … area
749 anba a below
750 sitiyasyon situation
751 respekte to regard
752 refize to refuse
753 trant thirty
754 sèk dry
755 so to jump
756 repete to repeat
757 sovaj wild
758 fèmen to lock
759 Angletè England
760 atizay art
761 devan yo ahead
762 twazyèm third
763 rapid quick
764 chemiz shirt
765 genyen to win
766 nen nose
767 ete summer
768 gòj throat
769 efò effort
770 senp simple
771 tèm term
772 anseye to teach
773 ras race
774 ralanti slow
775 devwa duty
776 Mizik music
777 Endyen Indian
778 evènman event
779 flè flower
780 make to mark
781 zwazo bird
782 rasanble to gather
783 mesye Mr
784 tribinal court
785 reyinyon meeting
786 rele to scream
787 chapo hat
788 echwe to fail
789 monte to climb
790 touye moun murder
791 anfòm to fit
792 ni neither
793 mens thin
794 rezilta result
795 prese to hurry
796 konplè complete
797 dan tooth
798 mare to tie
799 objektif purpose
800 paj page
801 konsa thus
802 kostim suit
803 lènmi enemy
804 syèk century
805 lite to struggle
806 dabitid usual
807 objè object
808 reveye to wake
809 reklame to claim
810 jis fair
811 komen common
812 fòs strength
813 pwès thick
814 bagay stuff
815 respè respect
816 adrese to address
817 k ap viv living
818 sèt seven
819 rekonèt to recognize
820 pouw to ought
821 sipote to support
822 lakou yard
823 pwan to grab
824 mawon brown
825 lòd command
826 prezans presence
827 dekri to describe
828 rad coat
829 estasyon station
830 nesesè necessary
831 koule to sink
832 detire to stretch
833 pafè perfect
834 soufri to suffer
835 toudenkou sudden
836 disparèt to disappear
837 uit eight
838 chemen path
839 patikilye particular
840 gaye to spread
841 fènwa darkness
842 eskalye stair
843 remèsye to thank
844 mouvman movement
845 difisil difficult
846 magazen shop
847 pal pale
848 fè pati to belong
849 langaj language
850 espesyal special
851 serye serious
852 fè sonje to remind
853 bay to provide
854 etwat narrow
855 kondisyon condition
856 pliye to bend
857 zetwal star
858 boutèy bottle
859 vivan alive
860 kle key
861 balanse to swing
862 byen fò loud
863 tou dousman quietly
864 erè mistake
865 obsève to observe
866 remake to remark
867 bote beauty
868 ak anpil atansyon carefully
869 baryè gate
870 frape to knock
871 glise to slide
872 okouran aware
873 yo retire to remove
874 konplètman completely
875 oze to dare
876 sèvitè servant
877 bese to bow
878 sèk circle
879 dosye … record
880 te tea
881 fache angry
882 pèsonèl personal
883 nwaj cloud
884 règ rule
885 batay battle
886 tablo board
887 prive private
888 blesi wound
889 natirèl natural
890 yon kote somewhere
891 soti forth
892 gou taste
893 ranje to fix
894 fasil easily
895 de tout fason anyway
896 bèt creature
897 longè length
898 magazen store
899 fre fresh
900 diven wine
901 apatman an apartment
902 okazyon occasion
903 imaj image
904 sistèm system
905 jij judge
906 lang tongue
907 liv pound
908 gode cup
909 kreye to create
910 fòm shape
911 vo worth
912 chante song
913 pwodwi to produce
914 aswè a tonight
915 malad ill
916 nèj snow
917 nivo level
918 moun fou fool
919 Se poutèt sa therefore
920 konte to count
921 malad sick
922 sosyal social
923 demen tomorrow
924 detay detail
925 opinyon opinion
926 osman to shrug
927 enplike to involve
928 dola dollar
929 gwo huge
930 vide to pour
931 fre cool
932 tete breast
933 kawotchou to tire
934 yon ti kras slightly
935 kan camp
936 egzanp example
937 vwayaj trip
938 otèl hotel
939 pair
940 istwa tale
941 flache to flash
942 chans likely
943 anjeneral usually
944 enposib impossible
945 terib terrible
946 sosyete society
947 vole to steal
948 lapè peace
949 mesaj message
950 chanm bedroom
951 zafè affair
952 rive to occur
953 mande pou to require
954 soulye shoe
955 entansyon to intend
956 chalè heat
957 koulè color
958 lame army
959 etranje stranger
960 okipe busy
961 gri gray
962 Alman German
963 genyen ladan l to contain
964 jòn yellow
965 kat card
966 byen file sharp
967 trete to treat
968 kalm calm
969 boul la ball
970 anba bottom
971 danje danger
972 tout antye entire
973 detèmine to determine
974 senpleman merely
975 pwason fish
976 prensipal main
977 pentire to paint
978 jete to cast
979 otè author
980 bri noise
981 kòlè anger
982 diferans difference
983 envite guest
984 sispèk to suspect
985 chòk shock
986 piki shot
987 chèf chief
988 klere to shine
989 lave to wash
990 respire to breathe
991 gouvènman an government
992 evite to avoid
993 estaj stage
994 senkant fifty
995 twou hole
996 ekriven writer
997 pete to burst
998 chwa choice
999 ajan silver
1000 rele byen fò to exclaim
1001 di ki kalite type
1002 ti tiny
1003 zèb grass
1004 dirije to direct
1005 aparans appearance
1006 Amerik America
1007 bèl bagay wonderful
1008 pake to pack
1009 lopital hospital
1010 li hers
1011 dousman gently
1012 dousman softly
1013 tras track
1014 prèv evidence
1015 sa ki mal evil
1016 revele to reveal
1017 egziste to exist
1018 trennen to drag
1019 priye to pray
1020 konesans knowledge
1021 eksprime to express
1022 sou kote aside
1023 sezon fredi winter
1024 abitye familiar
1025 Bondye god
1026 peryòd period
1027 blòk block
1028 klèman clearly
1029 bougonnen to murmur
1030 pòs post
1031 kouran stream
1032 bale to sweep
1033 sikonstans circumstance
1034 ensiste to insist
1035 trimès quarter
1036 sèvo brain
1037 plenn plain
1038 plat flat
1039 pwoblèm issue
1040 baz base
1041 plezi delight
1042 zile island
1043 Pari Paris
1044 opòtinite opportunity
1045 kè kontan joy
1046 chanjman to shift
1047 relasyon relationship
1048 kouto knife
1049 bwose to brush
1050 ti tay slight
1051 modi damn
1052 tranble to tremble
1053 diskite to discuss
1054 divès kalite various
1055 valè value
1056 pak park
1057 sèks sex
1058 lokal local
1059 jèn youth
1060 pratik practice
1061 lalwa wet
1062 manje maten breakfast
1063 kòmandan captain
1064 detwi to destroy
1065 vwayaj journey
1066 Dimanch Sunday
1067 yon jan kanmenm somehow
1068 frèt to frown
1069 vlope to wrap
1070 chat cat
1071 mare bound
1072 konfò comfort
1073 jès gesture
1074 prèt priest
1075 Lafrans France
1076 okipe to handle
1077 syèl la heaven
1078 temwen witness
1079 ogmante to increase
1080 karakteristik feature
1081 choute to kick
1082 asime to assume
1083 dòmi asleep
1084 sonje to recall
1085 matche ak match
1086 sere tight
1087 forè forest
1088 pwoteje to protect
1089 mank lack
1090 konpayon companion
1091 antyèman entirely
1092 desizyon decision
1093 genyen ladan yo to include
1094 santye trail
1095 envite to invite
1096 emosyon emotion
1097 zo bone
1098 è o’clock
1099 antoure to surround
1100 final la final
1101 sifas surface
1102 bwat yo dozen
1103 deklare to declare
1104 zam weapon
1105 sant center
1106 akeyi welcome
1107 krim crime
1108 pwa weight
1109 nepe sword
1110 lis list
1111 dat date
1112 ale nan to attend
1113 diskou speech
1114 Kretyen Christian
1115 asire to assure
1116 menen to snap
1117 mouvman motion
1118 pasyon passion
1119 avanse to advance
1120 poutèt sake
1121 enfliyans influence
1122 sof si unless
1123 vitès speed
1124 popilè folk
1125 tanpèt storm
1126 lalin moon
1127 manje to feed
1128 politik political
1129 sipliye to beg
1130 akòde to accord
1131 machin machine
1132 karant forty
1133 nèf nine
1134 lage to release
1135 north
1136 tonton uncle
1137 ansyen ancient
1138 tris sad
1139 Britanik British
1140 endispoze faint
1141 doub double
1142 kavo grave
1143 manje midi lunch
1144 enstantane instant
1145 plak plate
1146 antere to bury
1147 pafètman perfectly
1148 bèl lovely
1149 ou yours
1150 glas ice
1151 separe to separate
1152 mòde to bite
1153 vòl roof
1154 fè sèman to swear
1155 pous inch
1156 chofè driver
1157 glas mirror
1158 vant stomach
1159 se being
1160 genyen to gain
1161 inyore to ignore
1162 oke okay
1163 pou reponn to respond
1164 pèsonn nobody
1165 opoze opposite
1166 deranje to bother
1167 pou fè aranjman pou to arrange
1168 bato boot
1169 pousyè dust
1170 fwote to rub
1171 dirèkteman directly
1172 ekla glow
1173 kriye to yell
1174 endividyèl individual
1175 enfimyè nurse
1176 Madam Mrs
1177 vizyon vision
1178 fatra to waste
1179 fyè proud
1180 fache mad
1181 otorite authority
1182 kontak contact
1183 jounal newspaper
1184 Nwèl Christmas
1185 patikilyèman particularly
1186 degre degree
1187 ansyen former
1188 yon ti jan somewhat
1189 yon moun somebody
1190 posede to possess
1191 kamyon truck
1192 enteresan interesting
1193 blag joke
1194 mutter to mutter
1195 pwopriyete property
1196 bare
1197 vyann flesh
1198 soulajman relief
1199 ezite to hesitate
1200 fasilite to ease
1201 priz grip
1202 kwasans to leap
1203 ekipman pou supply
1204 entèwonp to interrupt
1205 repa meal
1206 kouzen cousin
1207 pwosesis process
1208 fi female
1209 pèt loss
1210 sigarèt cigarette
1211 iron
1212 konvenk to convince
1213 separeman apart
1214 anpenpan fancy
1215 ranje row
1216 vitès pace
1217 de fwa twice
1218 koule to flow
1219 pasyan patient
1220 pretann … to pretend
1221 gwosè size
1222 apèn barely
1223 maryaj wedding
1224 anonse to announce
1225 ri laughter
1226 fèy papye sheet
1227 konsepsyon design
1228 kwit manje to cook
1229 ou thy
1230 wou wheel
1231 siksè success
1232 danjere dangerous
1233 sid south
1234 reveye awake
1235 lach loose
1236 fwon forehead
1237 laj broad
1238 dezè desert
1239 brase to stir
1240 konjesyon serebral stroke
1241 zèl wing
1242 avèti to warn
1243 pliye to fold
1244 pil pile
1245 flanm dife flame
1246 antre entrance
1247 Seyè lord
1248 navige to sail
1249 prezante to introduce
1250 lis smooth
1251 pwisan powerful
1252 pri cost
1253 milyon million
1254 lafwa faith
1255 vale to swallow
1256 pon bridge
1257 elèv student
1258 mezi measure
1259 avèg blind
1260 tout moun everybody
1261 fòtin fortune
1262 akòz due
1263 dou gentle
1264 egzaminen to examine
1265 fou crazy
1266 amizan fun
1267 fyète pride
1268 gason male
1269 angaje to engage
1270 tès test
1271 ankadreman frame
1272 reyalite reality
1273 pwòp proper
1274 reflete to reflect
1275 flannen to wander
1276 reprezante to represent
1277 fèm farm
1278 ekip team
1279 move tan weather
1280 satisfè to satisfy
1281 difikilte difficulty
1282 fèb weak
1283 siyifikasyon meaning
1284 vòl flight
1285 bèl pleasant
1286 pil deck
1287 atansyon careful
1288 kare square
1289 eskiz excuse
1290 fèm firm
1291 siye to wipe
1292 pri price
1293 orijinal la original
1294 douz twelve
1295 avoka lawyer
1296 tras trace
1297 lapriyè prayer
1298 okenn moun anybody
1299 onè honor
1300 klòch bell
1301 kado gift
1302 Kris la Christ
1303 enèji energy
1304 petèt possibly
1305 abitid habit
1306 dispoze willing
1307 bon jan kalite quality
1308 lanse to toss
1309 fay fault
1310 pi ba to lower
1311 siman surely
1312 aparamman apparently
1313 diskite to argue
1314 kòmansman beginning
1315 bèl handsome
1316 pwofondman deeply
1317 blame to blame
1318 pou pwoteste kont to protest
1319 prizonye prisoner
1320 endike to indicate
1321 te thee
1322 tòde to twist
1323 jakèt jacket
1324 ewo hero
1325 chans luck
1326 kontni content
1327 enfòme to inform
1328 pou anpeche to prevent
1329 bonè happiness
1330 vrèman truly
1331 devlope to develop
1332 manton chin
1333 pou ruin to ruin
1334 krak to crack
1335 lidè leader
1336 yesterday
1337 kenz fifteen
1338 an bwa wooden
1339 delivre to deliver
1340 ajan agent
1341 materyèl material
1342 repons response
1343 pasaj passage
1344 estipid stupid
1345 mòd fashion
1346 travay task
1347 kirye curious
1348 reyisi to succeed
1349 saj wise
1350 kantite lajan amount
1351 telefòn telephone
1352 refize to deny
1353 fouye to dig
1354 lalwa law
1355 ankouraje to urge
1356 pou tout tan forever
1357 kominote community
1358 fizik physical
1359 sous source
1360 palmis palm
1361 pwofesè teacher
1362 esklav slave
1363 grès fat
1364 pito to prefer
1365 militè military
1366 pen bread
1367 refere to refer
1368 kabin cabin
1369 konplètman fully
1370 kapab unable
1371 akonpaye to accompany
1372 kontinye to proceed
1373 echanj to exchange
1374 mas mass
1375 demann request
1376 etabli to establish
1377 enpè odd
1378 rivaj la shore
1379 gid to guide
1380 an lò golden
1381 nou menm ourselves
1382 sèlman mere
1383 relasyon relation
1384 menase to threaten
1385 to rate
1386 madichon to curse
1387 lous beer
1388 byen lwen distant
1389 evidan obvious
1390 kòmantè comment
1391 nòb noble
1392 avantaj advantage
1393 malgre spite
1394 ranpli file
1395 posibilite possibility
1396 kondwi to conduct
1397 fennen to fade
1398 modèn modern
1399 konsantre to focus
1400 ekran screen
1401 egzistans existence
1402 monte to mount
1403 sab sand
1404 viktim victim
1405 pwent tip
1406 Angoman rage
1407 kontwa counter
1408 lèt la latter
1409 fè pè to scare
1410 aksidan accident
1411 enpresyon impression
1412 kanmarad to peer
1413 masisi gay
1414 pli to curl
1415 kolekte to collect
1416 mache to march
1417 montre to display
1418 plaj beach
1419 matant aunt
1420 pòt doorway
1421 konfòtab comfortable
1422 flote to drift
1423 pitye pity
1424 eksitasyon excitement
1425 nan jijman to arrest
1426 evidamman obviously
1427 otreman otherwise
1428 komès trade
1429 klib club
1430 selil cell
1431 sante health
1432 lwès west
1433 kwi leather
1434 brital rough
1435 glase to gasp
1436 to perform
1437 dwèt ti kras pink
1438 bann band
1439 fraz sentence
1440 atitid mood
1441 atik article
1442 chèn chain
1443 cha carriage
1444 prononcée to utter
1445 lonbraj shade
1446 avyon plane
1447 kolèj college
1448 padonnen … to forgive
1449 powèm poem
1450 kòd rope
1451 lanp lamp
1452 egzanp instance
1453 pi pure
1454 chaje to load
1455 sezi to seize
1456 dèyè rear
1457 onèt honest
1458 pi gwo major
1459 menm jan an similar
1460 aktivite activity
1461 eko to echo
1462 okipe to occupy
1463 pi popilè famous
1464 siviv to survive
1465 enkyete anxious
1466 komik funny
1467 agiman argument
1468 dyab devil
1469 konfyans confidence
1470 regrèt to regret
1471 komèt to commit
1472 swe sweat
1473 Ris Russian
1474 ranje range
1475 alam alarm
1476 refè to recover
1477 laterè horror
1478 sekirite security
1479 ekipaj crew
1480 gwonde to roar
1481 douvanjou dawn
1482 nasyon nation
1483 nève nervous
1484 prizon prison
1485 abandone to abandon
1486 nenpòt kote anywhere
1487 powèt poet
1488 li sin
1489 zèb to grasp
1490 atitid attitude
1491 an sekirite to secure
1492 deklarasyon statement
1493 toutouni naked
1494 bòdwo bill
1495 tèt brow
1496 moralite moral
1497 Rolle role
1498 anpil plenty
1499 karyè career
1500 ke tail
1501 nesans birth
1502 pou aplike to apply
1503 ofisyèl official
1504 gen rapò to relate
1505 fate
1506 pwojè project
1507 fon valley
1508 imajinasyon imagination
1509 fè pè to frighten
1510 mache market
1511 pwen fist
1512 nan founo to owe
1513 entansyon intention
1514 koneksyon connection
1515 seri series
1516 kouraj courage
1517 gwo kay won tower
1518 lak lake
1519 sòti to emerge
1520 parye to bet
1521 fim movie
1522 jip skirt
1523 kriye to weep
1524 chanm chamber
1525 jijman trial
1526 majik magic
1527 motè engine
1528 gras thanks
1529 ekri writing
1530 bouton button
1531 fim film
1532 lachas to hunt
1533 òdinè ordinary
1534 pwolonje to extend
1535 pou konsève pou to spare
1536 teyori theory
1537 nòmal normal
1538 fiks steady
1539 bay sibvansyon to grant
1540 jen June
1541 jwif Jew
1542 tèks text
1543 absoliman absolutely
1544 onè honour
1545 flote to float
1546 mistè mystery
1547 sezon season
1548 mèt kay owner
1549 pou peye to afford
1550 koulè colour
1551 konsèy advice
1552 patnè partner
1553 admire to admire
1554 bouchon cap
1555 libète freedom
1556 de ekla to glare
1557 merite to deserve
1558 salye to greet
1559 anbrase to hug
1560 anplwaye staff
1561 vyolans to thrust
1562 apre sa afterwards
1563 kòrèk correct
1564 depann de to depend
1565 naje to swim
1566 pisin pool
1567 siyal signal
1568 inosan innocent
1569 talon pye heel
1570 generelt generally
1571 rido curtain
1572 posesyon possession
1573 foto photograph
1574 fèk scarcely
1575 radyo radio
1576 natif natal native
1577 gri grey
1578 fòm blanket
1579 entèvyou interview
1580 pèmèt to permit
1581 sal dirty
1582 wont shame
1583 sispann to cease
1584 ze egg
1585 eksplikasyon explanation
1586 kabwèt wagon
1587 odyans audience
1588 terib awful
1589 tiyo pipe
1590 fòse to strain
1591 atis artist
1592 peze to squeeze
1593 roman Roman
1594 fè apèl to appeal
1595 moso twal cloth
1596 terror
1597 volim volume
1598 bò solèy leve east
1599 seksyon section
1600 deranje to disturb
1601 Alexa rank
1602 zanmitay friendly
1603 grangou hungry
1604 ranpe to creep
1605 vizitè visitor
1606 toupatou everywhere
1607 relijye religious
1608 jwenn to obtain
1609 vyann meat
1610 sèvant maid
1611 Jistis justice
1612 pwogrè progress
1613 janm lap
1614 anwo kay upstairs
1615 kwayans belief
1616 konekte to connect
1617 roman novel
1618 fantom ghost
1619 vize to aim
1620 voye jete to fling
1621 Samdi Saturday
1622 operasyon operation
1623 soulaje to relieve
1624 ankò anymore
1625 Trots despite
1626 ren waist
1627 lèt milk
1628 anbrase to embrace
1629 twalèt bathroom
1630 po pot
1631 rankontre to encounter
1632 imobilye estate
1633 anvan previous
1634 vire to spin
1635 fiksyon fiction
1636 Grand grand
1637 pèlen trap
1638 afekte to affect
1639 Trick trick
1640 dwòg drug
1641 swa silk
1642 soup supper
1643 bwè drunk
1644 allusion hint
1645 ranplase to replace
1646 endiyasyon harm
1647 fwi fruit
1648 òdinatè computer
1649 manch rad koud bra elbow
1650 desann to descend
1651 de pèt to tap
1652 pyès devan kay porch
1653 anfle to swell
1654 ups upper
1655 jandam cop
1656 granpapa grandfather
1657 fè egzèsis exercise
1658 bibliyotèk library
1659 nan misk muscle
1660 friz to freeze
1661 fache to upset
1662 pote plent to complain
1663 Ewòp Europe
1664 favorize favor
1665 rasin root
1666 bèt beast
1667 leve to arise
1668 defi challenge
1669 douch shower
1670 greek Greek
1671 Pandan tout throughout
1672 seksyèl sexual
1673 fisèl string
1674 restoran restaurant
1675 relijyon religion
1676 presyon pressure
1677 disparèt to vanish
1678 favè grace
1679 vas vast
1680 konfese to confess
1681 sèvis ofrann bèt sacrifice
1682 rive arrival
1683 a embesil to jerk
1684 leson lesson
1685 anch hip
1686 kite lad
1687 lwil oliv oil
1688 modèl pattern
1689 regilye regular
1690 fizi rifle
1691 chans lucky
1692 manman bourik ass
1693 mat dull
1694 konsyan conscious
1695 dezòd mess
1696 eleman element
1697 nan lapenn to groan
1698 konsekvens consequence
1699 balans balance
1700 prensip principle
1701 afeksyon affection
1702 aktyèl current
1703 balèn candle
1704 kaka shit
1705 pinèz to flee
1706 wotè height
1707 Knight knight
1708 revèy clock
1709 chato castle
1710 kloti fence
1711 koupab guilty
1712 rezoud to resolve
1713 mete ajenou to kneel
1714 rilaks to relax
1715 tanp temple
1716 san konte besides
1717 magazin magazine
1718 pi renmen favorite
1719 chita seated
1720 avril April
1721 tradisyon tradition
1722 anmè kou fièl bitter
1723 apresye to appreciate
1724 syans science
1725 popilè popular
1726 grann grandmother
1727 modèl model
1728 de tranble to shiver
1729 chak jou daily
1730 diskisyon discussion
1731 chèf prince
1732 cham charm
1733 dezabiye to strip
1734 konkli to conclude
1735 inifòm uniform
1736 deskripsyon description
1737 plafon ceiling
1738 ti touf bwa bush
1740 Intersted interested
1741 byen closely
1742 rete kole to cling
1743 ban bench
1744 pouswiv to pursue
1745 brav brave
1746 satisfaksyon satisfaction
1747 rale to crawl
1748 otobis bus
1749 literè literary
1750 san bloody
1751 konpare to compare
1752 etranje foreign
1753 pwopoze to propose
1754 plim pen
1755 mande to inquire
1756 chagren grief
1757 èd aid
1758 amitye friendship
1759 aksidan to crash
1760 avanti adventure
1761 goumen to stride
1762 kilti culture
1763 gwo bout bwa beam
1764 sekirite safety
1765 mach March
1766 linèt glasses
1767 evne ability
1768 ekselan excellent
1769 byen fèm firmly
1770 konpreyansyon understanding
1771 asye steel
1772 nerve
1773 zanj angel
1774 jeyan giant
1775 sispisyon suspicion
1776 siprime to startle
1777 egal equal
1778 tant tent
1779 ri to gleam
1780 entelijan smart
1781 moun k’ap viv koulye generation
1782 reziste to resist
1783 kriye to sob
1784 pou chak per
1785 feu tout tan tout tan whenever
1786 eple spell
1787 reyaksyon reaction
1788 edikasyon education
1789 prèv proof
1790 eksite to excite
1791 klere to blink
1792 fwe to whip
1793 idantifye to identify
1794 bòl bowl
1795 ekspoze to expose
1796 avètisman warning
1797 pwofondè depth
1798 chapit chapter
1799 aranjman arrangement
1800 fè mal to ache
1801 Sip to sip
1802 lou heavily
1803 italian Italian
1804 sousi eyebrow
1805 chuckle to chuckle
1806 palè palace
1807 seryezman seriously
1808 fè bak to retreat
1809 penti painting
1810 viktigheten importance
1811 siplemantè extra
1812 larenn queen
1813 an silans silently
1814 ponyèt wrist
1815 boue to slam
1816 responsablite responsibility
1817 tout ansanm altogether
1818 machwè jaw
1819 seryezman badly
1820 pasaje passenger
1821 ouvèti opening
1822 jiyè July
1823 konpetans skill
1824 misyon mission
1825 Chase to chase
1826 koutim custom
1827 yo gen tandans to tend
1828 metòd method
1829 bèf cow
1830 anvi eager
1831 vanyan sòlda warrior
1832 anbreyaj to clutch
1833 to perceive
1834 twou wòch cave
1835 kredi credit
1836 fè lwanj praise
1837 kapab capable
1838 anboche to hire
1839 vèsyon version
1840 frè parèy neighbor
1841 kache to conceal
1842 fè egzèsis to bore
1843 senpati sympathy
1844 fil wire
1845 kiryozite curiosity
1846 de oblije to oblige
1847 senti belt
1848 relatif relative
1849 nosyon notion
1850 kaptire to capture
1851 chanje to switch
1852 lapòs mail
1853 kanape couch
1854 koridò corridor
1855 kite to depart
1856 imedyatman instantly
1857 spanish Spanish
1858 menas threat
1859 Chinwa Chinese
1860 trè highly
1861 evantyèlman eventually
1862 anplwaye to employ
1863 lyen link
1864 absans absence
1865 dezespwa despair
1866 estrikti structure
1867 poukont lonely
1868 rekonesan grateful
1869 retire ou to withdraw
1870 kat jeyografik map
1871 sitou mostly
1872 Minis minister
1873 zòrye pillow
1874 vizib visible
1875 veso vessel
1876 metrès mistress
1877 tache to attach
1878 delika delicate
1879 konfonn to confuse
1880 pwofesyonèl professional
1881 chalè warmth
1882 kase broken
1883 epwize to exhaust
1884 komik silly
1885 detektif detective
1886 lapenn sorrow
1887 aparèy saddle
1888 domaj damage
1889 bèl rare
1890 trayi to betray
1891 dòmi to slap
1892 rekonèt to acknowledge
1893 ròb gown
1894 trè extremely
1895 fraz phrase
1896 klou nail
1897 netwaye to rent
1898 kenbe to maintain
1899 Out August
1900 enpresyone to impress
1901 travayè worker
1902 bal bullet
1903 kòf trunk
1904 konkluderer conclusion
1905 zam pistol
1906 kaye cottage
1907 briyan brilliant
1908 sitwayen citizen
1909 rapidman rapidly
1910 siflèt to whistle
1911 dènyèman recently
1912 dezespere desperate
1913 alalejè lightly
1914 aspè aspect
1915 konfizyon confusion
1916 lèd ugly
1917 entèlijans intelligence
1918 kabann sofa
1919 koule to shed
1920 cheri darling
1921 papa dad
1922 koub curve
1923 briz breeze
1924 lika equally
1925 tep tape
1926 antrepriz to venture
1927 grate to scratch
1928 sant scent
1929 atire to attract
1930 devlopman development
1931 de moun k’ap bwete to halt
1932 kloure to pin
1933 bouskile to shove
1934 medikal medical
1935 pant slope
1936 natirèlman naturally
1937 mantal mental
1938 defann to defend
1939 touche to earn
1940 priye to bid
1941 kamera camera
1942 pousyè tè dirt
1943 koki shell
1944 trase plot
1945 kouwòn crown
1946 siksè successful
1947 vèti virtue
1948 inondasyon flood
1949 lavil Wòm Rome
1950 valiz purse
1951 pwezi poetry
1952 pòp to pop
1953 vant belly
1954 manm total
1955 konfime to confirm
1956 Jijman judgment
1957 annorm enormous
1958 kraze to crush
1959 baskètbòl basket
1960 abri shelter
1961 fè pat to pat
1962 ansvarlig responsible
1963 konsyans consciousness
1964 senaste recent
1965 divize to divide
1966 kriminèl criminal
1967 koute chè precious
1968 san patipri fairly
1969 ankouraje to encourage
1970 fwontyè border
1971 lanmè ocean
1972 fèy blade
1973 fant janm thigh
1974 refleksyon reflection
1975 fineray funeral
1976 depatman department
1977 etranj unusual
1978 de konvenk to persuade
1979 machin vehicle
1980 dread
1981 jan nou koumanse background
1982 estanda standard
1983 Televizyon television
1984 akize to accuse
1985 totalman totally
1986 benefis benefit
1987 manje dining
1988 asosye to associate
1989 de rann to render
1990 grefye clerk
1991 pèmisyon permission
1992 kòt coast
1993 vanyan sòlda mighty
1994 enkyetid anxiety
1995 tit title
1996 sansib tender
1997 rechèch research
1998 gato cake
1999 pote sekou to rescue
2000 kiltivatè farmer
Main Office:

123, New Lenox, Chicago
IL, 60606

Campus Location:

University Centre City,
7 Hill Str, B5 4UA

Minimum 4 characters