2000 Most Common Irish Words

This is a list of the 2000 most commonly used words in the Irish language.

Indonesian … <-- … 2000 Most Common Words … –> … Italian

Rank Irish English
1 an the
2 a bheith to be
3 agus and
4 chun to
5 de of
6 isteach in
7 go mbeadh to have
8 sin that
9 he
10 not
11 a his
12 í her
13 é it
14 tusa you
15 le with
16 do for
17 a dhéanamh to do
18 she
19 mar as
20 ar on
21 le rá to say
22 ag at
23 air him
24 as from
25 ach but
26 mise me
27 mo my
28 le dul to go
29 siad they
30 go léir all
31 ag by
32 seo this
33 ceann one
34 amach out
35 suas up
36 fios a bheith agat to know
37 mar sin so
38 a an
39 Féach to see
40 d’fhéadfadh could
41 or
42 iad them
43 Faigh to get
44 muid we
45 Is maith liom like
46 tar to come
47 fear man
48 Cad what
49 Déan to make
50 ann there
51 faoi about
52 a which
53 a gcuid their
54 isteach into
55 smaoineamh to think
56 Féach to look
57 if
58 who
59 Cathain when
60 a thógáil to take
61 am time
62 uimh no
63 ar ais back
64 is féidir to can
65 le déanamh to will
66 do your
67 níos mó more
68 ansin then
69 síos down
70 maith good
71 os a chionn over
72 a insint to tell
73 anois now
74 lámh hand
75 cuid acu some
76 ag iarraidh to want
77 díreach just
78 amháin only
79 than
80 bealach way
81 Tabhair to give
82 eile other
83 day
84 súl eye
85 roimh before
86 Fiafraigh to ask
87 a aimsiú to find
88 beirt two
89 beag little
90 fada long
91 an- very
92 a mhothú to feel
93 aon any
94 rud thing
95 freisin too
96 anseo here
97 riamh never
98 Fág to leave
99 duine person
100 Sean old
101 ceann head
102 casadh to turn
103 arís again
104 tríd through
105 fiú even
106 aghaidh face
107 i bhfad much
108 as off
109 linn us
110 ar dtús first
111 ceart right
112 ár our
113 conas how
114 áit where
115 tar éis after
116 a its
117 bean woman
118 ar shiúl away
119 saol life
120 le feiceáil to seem
121 Glaoigh to call
122 fós still
123 a chloisteáil to hear
124 bliain year
125 féin own
126 Obair to work
127 Ba chóir should
128 áit place
129 seomra room
130 go maith well
131 seasamh to stand
132 go mór to must
133 é féin himself
134 timpeall around
135 doras door
136 go bhféadfadh to might
137 rud éigin something
138 chun iarracht a dhéanamh to try
139 le grá to love
140 teach house
141 oíche night
142 Cuir to put
143 iontach great
144 den sórt sin such
145 a choinneáil to keep
146 Suigh to sit
147 go deireanach last
148 a tosnú to begin
149 mar because
150 iad sin those
151 iad seo these
152 focal word
153 úsáid a bhaint as to use
154 a bheith ag teastáil to need
155 oscail to open
156 a shealbhú to hold
157 ceann eile another
158 fad while
159 an chuid is mó most
160 Caint to talk
161 a ligean to let
162 ar upon
163 i bhfad far
164 gan without
165 baile home
166 aoibh gháire to smile
167 i gcónaí always
168 guth voice
169 leanbh child
170 athair father
171 chun siúl to walk
172 óg young
173 a chiallaíonn to mean
174 rud ar bith nothing
175 a rith to run
176 áfach though
177 nóiméad moment
178 ina choinne against
179 Máthair mother
180 mar an gcéanna same
181 ainm name
182 chun labhairt to speak
183 go leor many
184 aigne mind
185 cúpla few
186 Tabhair to bring
187 solas light
188 Dún to close
189 taobh side
190 riamh ever
191 bogadh to move
192 go bhféadfaidh to may
193 cara friend
194 gach every
195 lámh arm
196 triúr three
197 uair amháin once
198 Go Leor enough
199 le bheith to become
200 cailín girl
201 faoi under
202 nua new
203 deireadh end
204 chun cónaí to live
205 freisin also
206 cabhrú to help
207 idir between
208 domhan world
209 titim to fall
210 tús a chur le to start
211 gach ceann acu each
212 fanacht to wait
213 féachaint air to watch
214 stopadh to stop
215 rud ar bith anything
216 an dá rud both
217 chos foot
218 cuid part
219 beag small
220 go dtí until
221 i ndáiríre really
222 Freagair to answer
223 Taispeáin to show
224 buachaill boy
225 í féin herself
226 bréag a insint to lie
227 cinnte sure
228 cúrsa course
229 le tarlú to happen
230 Creid to believe
231 a thabhairt ar ais to return
232 taobh thiar de behind
233 pointe point
234 eile next
235 fós yet
236 croí heart
237 uisce water
238 beagnach almost
239 a shocrú to set
240 corp body
241 cén fáth why
242 chun pas a fháil to pass
243 maidin morning
244 uair an chloig hour
245 fuaim sound
246 le bualadh to meet
247 Dia God
248 bán white
249 cuimhneamh orthu to remember
250 cineál kind
251 le dóchas to hope
252 chun teacht air to reach
253 bás a fháil to die
254 crua hard
255 dona bad
256 leath half
257 ag gáire to laugh
258 teaghlach family
259 ó shin since
260 ard high
261 leabhar book
262 ábhar matter
263 céim step
264 chun athrú to change
265 ceist question
266 trasna across
267 chun thuig to understand
268 leanúint to follow
269 le chéile together
270 bean chéile wife
271 tarraingt to pull
272 chomh maith along
273 tábla table
274 imirt to play
275 Caill to lose
276 mór big
277 go caoin to cry
278 dubh black
279 gruaig hair
280 le léamh to read
281 tosaigh front
282 seoladh to send
283 go leor quite
284 briseadh to break
285 féin myself
286 le déanamh to shall
287 cheana féin already
288 nóiméad minute
289 dorcha dark
290 go luath soon
291 leaba bed
292 i dtreo toward
293 ina iomláine whole
294 carr car
295 fuinneog window
296 a chroitheadh to shake
297 eile else
298 scíth rest
299 airgead money
300 fíoras fact
301 mac son
302 chun scríobh to write
303 tine fire
304 dara second
305 Fán to stay
306 ionadh to wonder
307 cás case
308 scéal story
309 líne line
310 ag fás to grow
311 aer air
312 ar mian leo to wish
313 smaoinimh thought
314 ardú to rise
315 ar a laghad least
316 iomlán full
317 Beir to catch
318 dul i gceannas to lead
319 mór large
320 le feiceáil to appear
321 gach rud everything
322 chun aire a thabhairt to care
323 a iompar to carry
324 bás death
325 codladh to sleep
326 a mharú to kill
327 smaoineamh idea
328 freagra a thabhairt to reply
329 a chaitheamh to wear
330 balla wall
331 tiomáint to drive
332 gar near
333 tarraing to draw
334 ghualainn shoulder
335 seachtain week
336 caite past
337 marbh dead
338 go luath early
339 chun fanacht to stare
340 ina n-aonar alone
341 ciall sense
342 béal mouth
343 in áit rather
344 a ghéarú to bear
345 ceathrar four
346 leanúint ar aghaidh to continue
347 crann tree
348 deartháir brother
349 chúis reason
350 capall horse
351 daoine eile others
352 ordú order
353 go leor lot
354 cúigear five
355 teagmháil a dhéanamh to touch
356 babhta round
357 domhain deep
358 litir letter
359 Iníon Miss
360 a shamhlú to suppose
361 fórsa force
362 baile town
363 Ith to eat
364 soiléir clear
365 chun pósadh to marry
366 Caith to throw
367 tír country
368 i láthair present
369 taobh istigh inside
370 urlár floor
371 íoc to pay
372 le nodaireacht to nod
373 fanacht to remain
374 cuimilt tear
375 sráid street
376 bean lady
377 níos lú less
378 eagla fear
379 duine someone
380 gnó business
381 in ann able
382 cathaoir chair
383 dearmad a dhéanamh to forget
384 a phiocadh to pick
385 a bheith ag súil to expect
386 dearg red
387 cumhacht power
388 Sracfhéachaint to glance
389 b’fhéidir perhaps
390 gearr short
391 talamh ground
392 fíor true
393 liopa lip
394 fíor real
395 a ghléasadh to dress
396 month
397 chun éisteacht to listen
398 déanach late
399 scoil school
400 ach an oiread either
401 whom
402 íseal low
403 i measc among
404 fear céile husband
405 a chur to add
406 difriúil different
407 titim to drop
408 ól to drink
409 foghlaim to learn
410 go tobann suddenly
411 páipéar paper
412 talamh land
413 sórtáil sort
414 go minic often
415 tráthnóna evening
416 os cionn above
417 céad hundred
418 cinneadh a dhéanamh to decide
419 fógra a thabhairt to notice
420 iníon daughter
421 oifig office
422 fuar cold
423 figiúr figure
424 bóthar road
425 mothú feeling
426 a chrochadh to hang
427 a ghearradh to cut
428 uimhir number
429 fíneáil fine
430 cathrach city
431 iontas to surprise
432 a ardú to raise
433 a líonadh to fill
434 roinnt several
435 a bhfuil whose
436 bocht poor
437 cinnte certain
438 plean plan
439 is dócha probably
440 ó shin ago
441 barr top
442 a chur faoi deara to cause
443 Téigh isteach to enter
444 réidh ready
445 gorm blue
446 laistigh de within
447 iad féin themselves
448 ar aghaidh forward
449 deirfiúr sister
450 a chaitheamh to spend
451 stáit state
452 ach however
453 troid to fight
454 láidir strong
455 póg to kiss
456 le linn during
457 giotán bit
458 le do thoil to please
459 taobh amuigh outside
460 cos leg
461 daor dear
462 sona happy
463 aisling dream
464 Nóta note
465 mícheart wrong
466 a chur i gcrích to realize
467 ús interest
468 fuil blood
469 go tapa quickly
470 a mhíniú to explain
471 gaoth wind
472 duine human
473 A Thiarna Lord
474 chun turas to ride
475 chun clúdach to cover
476 a thruailliú to lean
477 cead a thabhairt to allow
478 deich ten
479 amhras doubt
480 fiche twenty
481 a dhuine uasail sir
482 álainn beautiful
483 cogadh war
484 deas pretty
485 go mall slowly
486 féidir possible
487 trioblóid trouble
488 cuairt a thabhairt to visit
489 seans chance
490 a bhrú to push
491 saor free
492 anáil breath
493 píosa piece
494 grian sun
495 fírinne truth
496 le teacht to arrive
497 le breithniú to consider
498 cibé acu whether
499 chun gníomhú to act
500 féin itself
501 nor
502 duine ar bith anyone
503 sínigh sign
504 déileáil deal
505 le trasnú to cross
506 gloine glass
507 post job
508 Críoch to finish
509 le cogar to whisper
510 staidéar to study
511 foirm form
512 éasca easy
513 aois age
514 pictiúr picture
515 six
516 ar deireadh finally
517 Ceannaigh to buy
518 tost silence
519 madra dog
520 a leagan to lay
521 radharc sight
522 cluas ear
523 tairg to offer
524 long ship
525 tú féin yourself
526 i dtreo towards
527 farraige sea
528 fáinne ring
529 gealltanas a thabhairt to promise
530 ardaitheoir to lift
531 eitilt to fly
532 míle thousand
533 buille faoi thuairim to guess
534 cúinne corner
535 bíodh imní ort to worry
536 amharc view
537 fadhb problem
538 in aice beside
539 fón phone
540 aird attention
541 a cheilt to hide
542 a chailleann to miss
543 póilíní police
544 sabháil to save
545 páirtí party
546 Béarla English
547 cloch stone
548 Londain London
549 aisteach strange
550 leanbh baby
551 eagla afraid
552 pian pain
553 tonn wave
554 cistin kitchen
555 aontú to agree
556 dul ar stailc to strike
557 brúigh to press
558 glas green
559 lánúin couple
560 Guy guy
561 leithscéal sorry
562 taithí experience
563 Meiriceánach American
564 b’fhéidir maybe
565 suíochán seat
566 le rolladh to roll
567 cínte indeed
568 a shéideadh to blow
569 uaireanta sometimes
570 trom heavy
571 anam soul
572 tábhachtach important
573 te warm
574 imní to concern
575 mianach mine
576 post position
577 te hot
578 dochtúir doctor
579 níos faide anonn beyond
580 ag scairteadh to shout
581 ábhar subject
582 dinnéar dinner
583 seiceáil to check
584 biotáille spirit
585 tráthnóna afternoon
586 oifigeach officer
587 ciúin quiet
588 dúil desire
589 ach amháin except
590 cré earth
591 a shamhlú to imagine
592 sos to pause
593 cur chuige to approach
594 muineál neck
595 míle mile
596 modh manner
597 páirt a ghlacadh to join
598 bia food
599 foirgneamh building
600 bata to stick
601 imeall edge
602 Gort field
603 nádúr nature
604 abhainn river
605 carraig rock
606 gunna gun
607 a lua to mention
608 díreach straight
609 leathan wide
610 cuideachta company
611 spéir sky
612 chun shoot to shoot
613 adhmad wood
614 bualadh to hit
615 damhsa to dance
616 slua crowd
617 le sruthán to burn
618 fear fellow
619 slonn expression
620 bosca box
621 smacht control
622 eaglais church
623 osna to sigh
624 gach duine everyone
625 Roghnaigh to choose
626 a roinnt to share
627 a mholadh to suggest
628 king
629 tuismitheoir parent
630 deas nice
631 chun duillín a dhéanamh to slip
632 a thógáil to build
633 isteach onto
634 beagnach nearly
635 cuimhne memory
636 éadaí clothes
637 tuarascáil report
638 ach simply
639 glacadh leis to accept
640 taitneamh a bhaint as to enjoy
641 craicinn skin
642 rúnda secret
643 cinnte certainly
644 cluiche game
645 comhrá conversation
646 bád boat
647 folamh empty
648 inniu today
649 ifreann hell
650 chun freastal to serve
651 bog soft
652 chun éalú to escape
653 ton tone
654 gráin a dhéanamh to hate
655 treo direction
656 iarracht attempt
657 although
658 grúpa group
659 leiceann cheek
660 póca pocket
661 a bhainistiú to manage
662 yes
663 chun cuardach a dhéanamh to search
664 boladh to smell
665 earrach spring
666 ginearálta general
667 lár middle
668 cuntas account
669 ar chlé left
670 díreach exactly
671 seirbhís service
672 seo a leanas following
673 a ghortú to hurt
674 muirear charge
675 poiblí public
676 réiteach to settle
677 pléisiúr pleasure
678 ina ionad sin instead
679 le fáil amach to discover
680 fear uasal gentleman
681 óir gold
682 cibé whatever
683 nuacht news
684 glúin knee
685 geal bright
686 láithreach immediately
687 sásta glad
688 chun buille to beat
689 go tapa fast
690 singil single
691 i ndáiríre actually
692 achar distance
693 Faigh to receive
694 láthair spot
695 radharc scene
696 ar éileamh to demand
697 a ligean isteach to admit
698 traein train
699 rang class
700 ainmhí animal
701 deasc desk
702 halla hall
703 cófra chest
704 máistir master
705 caife coffee
706 muinín a bhaint as to trust
707 garda guard
708 adh silent
709 éifeacht effect
710 scáth shadow
711 canadh to sing
712 mála bag
713 a chruthú to prove
714 Fraincis French
715 ard tall
716 thíos beneath
717 lorg to seek
718 ceann ar bith none
719 chun Rush to rush
720 sliabh mountain
721 ullmhú to prepare
722 saighdiúir soldier
723 ar éigean hardly
724 grin to grin
725 stair history
726 glan clean
727 Díol to sell
728 pósadh marriage
729 gníomh action
730 sráidbhaile village
731 ball member
732 todhchaí future
733 cnoc hill
734 go háirithe especially
735 gairdín garden
736 milis sweet
737 báisteach rain
738 carachtar character
739 taisteal to travel
740 ionsaí attack
741 a dhúnadh to shut
742 deataigh smoke
743 sábháilte safe
744 spás space
745 limistéar area
746 thíos below
747 staid situation
748 maidir le to regard
749 diúltú to refuse
750 tríocha thirty
751 tirim dry
752 chun léim to jump
753 a athdhéanamh to repeat
754 fiáin wild
755 a ghlasáil to lock
756 Sasana England
757 ealaín art
758 romhainn ahead
759 an tríú third
760 tapa quick
761 léine shirt
762 a bhuachan to win
763 srón nose
764 samhradh summer
765 scornach throat
766 iarracht effort
767 simplí simple
768 téarma term
769 Múin to teach
770 cine race
771 mall slow
772 dualgas duty
773 Ceol music
774 Indiach Indian
775 imeacht event
776 bláth flower
777 marcáil to mark
778 éan bird
779 a bhailiú to gather
780 An tUasal Mr
781 cúirt court
782 cruinniú meeting
783 scread to scream
784 hata hat
785 teip to fail
786 a dhreapadh to climb
787 dúnmharú murder
788 oiriúnach to fit
789 níl ceachtar acu neither
790 tanaí thin
791 toradh result
792 chun deifir to hurry
793 iomlán complete
794 fiacail tooth
795 a cheangal to tie
796 cuspóir purpose
797 leathanach page
798 dá bhrí sin thus
799 culaith suit
800 namhaid enemy
801 haois century
802 ag streachailt to struggle
803 gnáth usual
804 réad object
805 le múscail to wake
806 saibhir rich
807 maígh to claim
808 cothrom fair
809 coitianta common
810 neart strength
811 tiubh thick
812 rudaí stuff
813 meas respect
814 aghaidh a thabhairt air to address
815 beo living
816 seacht seven
817 a aithint to recognize
818 gur chóir to ought
819 chun tacú leis to support
820 clós yard
821 chun grab a fháil to grab
822 donn brown
823 ordú command
824 láithreacht presence
825 cur síos a dhéanamh air to describe
826 cóta coat
827 stáisiún station
828 riachtanach necessary
829 dul go tóin poill to sink
830 banc bank
831 go síneadh to stretch
832 foirfe perfect
833 ag fulaingt to suffer
834 go tobann sudden
835 imíonn siad to disappear
836 ocht eight
837 cosán path
838 go háirithe particular
839 a scaipeadh to spread
840 dorchadas darkness
841 staighre stair
842 buíochas a ghabháil to thank
843 gluaiseacht movement
844 deacair difficult
845 siopa shop
846 a mbaineann to belong
847 teanga language
848 speisialta special
849 tromchúiseach serious
850 a mheabhrú to remind
851 a chur ar fáil to provide
852 caol narrow
853 riocht condition
854 chun lúbadh to bend
855 réalta star
856 buidéal bottle
857 beo alive
858 eochair key
859 a luascán to swing
860 os ard loud
861 go ciúin quietly
862 botún mistake
863 breathnú air to observe
864 a rá to remark
865 áilleacht beauty
866 go cúramach carefully
867 geata gate
868 le cnagadh to knock
869 sleamhnú to slide
870 feasach aware
871 a bhaint to remove
872 go hiomlán completely
873 leomh to dare
874 seirbhíseach servant
875 chun bogha to bow
876 ciorcal circle
877 taifead record
878 tae tea
879 feargach angry
880 pearsanta personal
881 scamall cloud
882 riail rule
883 cath battle
884 bord board
885 príobháideach private
886 créachta wound
887 nádúrtha natural
888 áit éigin somewhere
889 amach forth
890 blas taste
891 deisiú to fix
892 go héasca easily
893 ar aon nós anyway
894 créatúr creature
895 fad length
896 siopa store
897 úr fresh
898 fíon wine
899 árasán apartment
900 ócáid occasion
901 íomha image
902 córas system
903 Breitheamh judge
904 teanga tongue
905 punt pound
906 cupán cup
907 Cruthaigh to create
908 cruth shape
909 fiú worth
910 amhrán song
911 a tháirgeadh to produce
912 anocht tonight
913 tinn ill
914 sneachta snow
915 leibhéal level
916 amadán fool
917 mar sin therefore
918 a chomhaireamh to count
919 tinn sick
920 sóisialta social
921 amárach tomorrow
922 sonraí detail
923 tuairim opinion
924 a shrug to shrug
925 páirt a ghlacadh ann to involve
926 ollmhór huge
927 a dhoirteadh to pour
928 fionnuar cool
929 cíche breast
930 le bonn to tire
931 beagán slightly
932 campa camp
933 sampla example
934 turas trip
935 Óstán hotel
936 péire pair
937 scéal tale
938 chun splancadh to flash
939 dócha likely
940 de ghnáth usually
941 dodhéanta impossible
942 uafásach terrible
943 sochaí society
944 goid to steal
945 síocháin peace
946 teachtaireacht message
947 seomra leaba bedroom
948 le tarlú to occur
949 a cheangal to require
950 bróg shoe
951 le beartú to intend
952 teas heat
953 dath color
954 arm army
955 strainséir stranger
956 gnóthach busy
957 liath gray
958 Gearmáinis German
959 le bheith ann to contain
960 buí yellow
961 cárta card
962 géar sharp
963 le caitheamh to treat
964 socair calm
965 liathróid ball
966 bun bottom
967 contúirt danger
968 iomlán entire
969 lena chinneadh to determine
970 ach amháin merely
971 iasc fish
972 priomh main
973 Péinteáil to paint
974 a chaitheamh to cast
975 údar author
976 torann noise
977 fearg anger
978 difríocht difference
979 aoi guest
980 drochamhras a bheith ort to suspect
981 turraing shock
982 lámhaigh shot
983 príomhfheidhmeannach chief
984 a sholas to shine
985 chun nigh to wash
986 análú to breathe
987 rialtas government
988 a sheachaint to avoid
989 intéirneacht stage
990 caoga fifty
991 poll hole
992 scríbhneoir writer
993 le pléascadh to burst
994 rogha choice
995 airgead silver
996 a mhaolú to exclaim
997 cineál type
998 beag bídeach tiny
999 féar grass
1000 a ordú to direct
1001 cuma appearance
1002 Meiriceá America
1003 iontach wonderful
1004 le pacáil to pack
1005 ospidéal hospital
1006 dá cuid hers
1007 go réidh gently
1008 go bog softly
1009 rian track
1010 fianaise evidence
1011 olc evil
1012 a nochtadh to reveal
1013 a bheith ann to exist
1014 tarraing to drag
1015 guí to pray
1016 eolas knowledge
1017 a chur in iúl to express
1018 leataobh aside
1019 gheimhreadh winter
1020 eolasach familiar
1021 Dia god
1022 tréimhse period
1023 bloc block
1024 go soiléir clearly
1025 le dúnmharú to murmur
1026 sruth stream
1027 a scuabadh to sweep
1028 imthoisc circumstance
1029 a éileamh to insist
1030 ráithe quarter
1031 inchinn brain
1032 cothrom flat
1033 eisiúint issue
1034 bonn base
1035 aoibhneas delight
1036 oileán island
1037 Páras Paris
1038 deis opportunity
1039 plandaí plant
1040 áthas joy
1041 athrú to shift
1042 caidreamh relationship
1043 scian knife
1044 scuabadh to brush
1045 beag slight
1046 diabhal damn
1047 le crith to tremble
1048 le plé to discuss
1049 éagsúla various
1050 luach value
1051 páirceáil park
1052 gnéas sex
1053 áitiúil local
1054 óige youth
1055 cleachtadh practice
1056 dlí wet
1057 bricfeasta breakfast
1058 captaen captain
1059 a mhilleadh to destroy
1060 turas journey
1061 Dé Domhnaigh Sunday
1062 ar bhealach somehow
1063 a luadh to frown
1064 chun wrap to wrap
1065 ceangailte bound
1066 compord comfort
1067 gotha gesture
1068 sagart priest
1069 An Fhrainc France
1070 a láimhseáil to handle
1071 neamh heaven
1072 finné witness
1073 le méadú to increase
1074 gné feature
1075 tús a chur leis to kick
1076 glacadh leis to assume
1077 ina chodladh asleep
1078 chun cuimhne to recall
1079 mheaitseáil match
1080 daingean tight
1081 foraoise forest
1082 a chosaint to protect
1083 easpa lack
1084 compánach companion
1085 go hiomlán entirely
1086 cinneadh decision
1087 a chur san áireamh to include
1088 rian trail
1089 cuireadh a thabhairt to invite
1090 mothúchán emotion
1091 cnámh bone
1092 a chlog o’clock
1093 le timpeall to surround
1094 deiridh final
1095 dromchla surface
1096 boscaí dozen
1097 a dhearbhú to declare
1098 arm weapon
1099 lár center
1100 fáilte roimh chách welcome
1101 coireacht crime
1102 meáchan weight
1103 leannán lover
1104 claíomh sword
1105 liosta list
1106 dáta date
1107 chun freastal to attend
1108 óráid speech
1109 Críostaí Christian
1110 a chinntiú to assure
1111 Léim to snap
1112 tairiscint motion
1113 paisean passion
1114 chun cinn to advance
1115 ar mhaithe sake
1116 tionchar influence
1117 mura rud é unless
1118 luas speed
1119 daoine folk
1120 stoirm storm
1121 gealach moon
1122 chun beatha to feed
1123 polaitíochta political
1124 a impí to beg
1125 le teacht to accord
1126 meaisín machine
1127 daichead forty
1128 naoi nine
1129 scaoileadh to release
1130 ó thuaidh north
1131 uncail uncle
1132 ársa ancient
1133 brónach sad
1134 Na Breataine British
1135 lag faint
1136 dúbailte double
1137 uaigh grave
1138 lón lunch
1139 láithreach instant
1140 pláta plate
1141 chun adhlacadh to bury
1142 go foirfe perfectly
1143 álainn lovely
1144 mise yours
1145 oighear ice
1146 a dheighilt to separate
1147 bite to bite
1148 robáil roof
1149 a mhionn to swear
1150 orlach inch
1151 tiománaí driver
1152 scáthán mirror
1153 boilg stomach
1154 bheith being
1155 a fháil to gain
1156 neamhshuim a dhéanamh de to ignore
1157 ceart go leor okay
1158 freagra a thabhairt to respond
1159 aon duine nobody
1160 thall opposite
1161 chun bodhraigh to bother
1162 socrú a dhéanamh to arrange
1163 bád boot
1164 deannach dust
1165 rub to rub
1166 go díreach directly
1167 luisne glow
1168 ag luí to yell
1169 duine aonair individual
1170 altra nurse
1171 Bean Mrs
1172 fís vision
1173 le dramhaíl to waste
1174 bródúil as proud
1175 dÚsachtach mad
1176 údarás authority
1177 teagmháil contact
1178 nuachtán newspaper
1179 Nollag Christmas
1180 riosca risk
1181 go háirithe particularly
1182 céim degree
1183 iar former
1184 beagán somewhat
1185 stíl style
1186 duine somebody
1187 a bheith acu to possess
1188 trucail truck
1189 suimiúil interesting
1190 go mutter to mutter
1191 maoin property
1192 lom bare
1193 faoiseamh relief
1194 bíodh leisce ort to hesitate
1195 chun maolú to ease
1196 greim grip
1197 léim to leap
1198 soláthar supply
1199 cur isteach to interrupt
1200 béile meal
1201 col ceathrar cousin
1202 próiseas process
1203 baineann female
1204 caillteanas loss
1205 toitín cigarette
1206 iarann iron
1207 a chur ina luí to convince
1208 ar leithligh apart
1209 mhaisiúil fancy
1210 as a chéile row
1211 luas pace
1212 faoi ​​dhó twice
1213 le sreabhadh to flow
1214 othar patient
1215 ligean air to pretend
1216 méid size
1217 ar éigean barely
1218 bainise wedding
1219 a fhógairt to announce
1220 gáire laughter
1221 bileog sheet
1222 dearadh design
1223 chun cócaireacht a dhéanamh to cook
1224 roth wheel
1225 rath success
1226 contúirteach dangerous
1227 ó dheas south
1228 scaoilte loose
1229 leathan broad
1230 Desert desert
1231 le corraíl to stir
1232 stróc stroke
1233 sciathán wing
1234 rabhadh a thabhairt to warn
1235 a fhilleadh to fold
1236 carn pile
1237 lasair flame
1238 bealach isteach entrance
1239 A Thiarna lord
1240 a sheol to sail
1241 a thabhairt isteach to introduce
1242 réidh smooth
1243 cumhachtach powerful
1244 costas cost
1245 milliún million
1246 creideamh faith
1247 a shlogtar to swallow
1248 droichead bridge
1249 mac léinn student
1250 beart measure
1251 dall blind
1252 gach duine everybody
1253 dlite due
1254 milis gentle
1255 scrúdú a dhéanamh to examine
1256 dÚsachtach crazy
1257 spraoi fun
1258 bród pride
1259 fireann male
1260 páirt a ghlacadh to engage
1261 tástáil test
1262 fráma frame
1263 réaltacht reality
1264 glan proper
1265 machnamh a dhéanamh to reflect
1266 a wander to wander
1267 ionadaíocht a dhéanamh to represent
1268 feirme farm
1269 foireann team
1270 aimsir weather
1271 a shásamh to satisfy
1272 deacracht difficulty
1273 lag weak
1274 brí meaning
1275 eitilt flight
1276 taitneamhach pleasant
1277 deic deck
1278 cúramach careful
1279 cearnóg square
1280 leithscéal excuse
1281 daingean firm
1282 brainse branch
1283 chun wipe to wipe
1284 praghas price
1285 bunaidh original
1286 dhá cheann déag twelve
1287 dlíodóir lawyer
1288 rianú trace
1289 paidir prayer
1290 aon duine anybody
1291 onóir honor
1292 clog bell
1293 bronntanas gift
1294 Críost Christ
1295 fuinneamh energy
1296 b’fhéidir possibly
1297 nós habit
1298 sásta willing
1299 cáilíocht quality
1300 toss to toss
1301 locht fault
1302 níos ísle to lower
1303 cinnte surely
1304 is cosúil apparently
1305 a mhaíomh to argue
1306 ag tosú beginning
1307 dathúil handsome
1308 go domhain deeply
1309 an locht to blame
1310 agóid a dhéanamh to protest
1311 príosúnach prisoner
1312 a chur in iúl to indicate
1313 tae thee
1314 le casadh to twist
1315 seaicéad jacket
1316 laoch hero
1317 ábhar content
1318 le cur in iúl to inform
1319 chun cosc ​​a chur to prevent
1320 sonas happiness
1321 go fírinneach truly
1322 le forbairt to develop
1323 smig chin
1324 le milleadh to ruin
1325 le crack to crack
1326 ceannaire leader
1327 inné yesterday
1328 cúig cinn déag fifteen
1329 adhmaid wooden
1330 le seachadadh to deliver
1331 gníomhaire agent
1332 ábhar material
1333 freagra response
1334 sliocht passage
1335 dúr stupid
1336 faisean fashion
1337 tasc task
1338 aisteach curious
1339 go n-éireoidh leis to succeed
1340 ciallmhar wise
1341 méid amount
1342 teileafón telephone
1343 a dhiúltú to deny
1344 tochailt to dig
1345 dlí law
1346 a áiteamh to urge
1347 go deo forever
1348 pobal community
1349 fisiciúil physical
1350 foinse source
1351 pailme palm
1352 múinteoir teacher
1353 daor slave
1354 saill fat
1355 is fearr to prefer
1356 míleata military
1357 arán bread
1358 tagairt a dhéanamh to refer
1359 cábáin cabin
1360 go hiomlán fully
1361 ní féidir unable
1362 le bheith ag gabháil leis to accompany
1363 dul ar aghaidh to proceed
1364 a mhalartú to exchange
1365 mais mass
1366 iarraidh request
1367 a bhunú to establish
1368 corr odd
1369 cladaigh shore
1370 treoir a thabhairt to guide
1371 órga golden
1372 sinn féin ourselves
1373 ní bhíonn ach mere
1374 gaol relation
1375 ag bagairt to threaten
1376 ráta rate
1377 a mhalcadh to curse
1378 marc beer
1379 i bhfad i gcéin distant
1380 soiléir obvious
1381 trácht comment
1382 uasal noble
1383 buntáiste advantage
1384 ainneoin spite
1385 comhad file
1386 féidearthacht possibility
1387 le stiúradh to conduct
1388 chun céimnithe to fade
1389 nua-aimseartha modern
1390 díriú to focus
1391 scáileán screen
1392 bheith ann existence
1393 chun mount to mount
1394 gaineamh sand
1395 íospartach victim
1396 craze rage
1397 cuntar counter
1398 an dara ceann latter
1399 chun scanradh a dhéanamh to scare
1400 timpiste accident
1401 tuiscint impression
1402 go piaraí to peer
1403 aerach gay
1404 chun curl to curl
1405 a bhailiú to collect
1406 chun máirseáil to march
1407 le taispeáint to display
1408 trá beach
1409 aintín aunt
1410 doras doorway
1411 compordach comfortable
1412 le sruth to drift
1413 trua pity
1414 spleodar excitement
1415 breithiúnas to arrest
1416 ar ndóigh obviously
1417 a mhalairt otherwise
1418 trádáil trade
1419 cill cell
1420 sláinte health
1421 siar west
1422 leathar leather
1423 garbh rough
1424 chun gasp to gasp
1425 le feidhmiú to perform
1426 finger beag pink
1427 banda band
1428 pianbhreith sentence
1429 giúmar mood
1430 alt article
1431 slabhra chain
1432 iompar carriage
1433 a dhiúltú to utter
1434 scáth shade
1435 eitleán plane
1436 coláiste college
1437 a logh to forgive
1438 dán poem
1439 téad rope
1440 lampa lamp
1441 mar shampla instance
1442 íon pure
1443 luchtú to load
1444 a urghabháil to seize
1445 ar chúl rear
1446 macánta honest
1447 mór major
1448 comhchosúil similar
1449 gníomhaíocht activity
1450 macalla a dhéanamh to echo
1451 a áitiú to occupy
1452 cáiliúil famous
1453 chun maireachtáil to survive
1454 imníoch anxious
1455 greannmhar funny
1456 argóint argument
1457 diabhal devil
1458 muinín confidence
1459 aiféala to regret
1460 gealltanas a thabhairt to commit
1461 allais sweat
1462 Rúisis Russian
1463 raon range
1464 aláram alarm
1465 a ghnóthú to recover
1466 uafás horror
1467 slándáil security
1468 criú crew
1469 le roar to roar
1470 breacadh an lae dawn
1471 náisiún nation
1472 miotail metal
1473 néaróg nervous
1474 príosún prison
1475 a thréigean to abandon
1476 in áit ar bith anywhere
1477 file poet
1478 a sin
1479 le féar to grasp
1480 dearcadh attitude
1481 a dhaingniú to secure
1482 ráiteas statement
1483 bille bill
1484 moráltacht moral
1485 rolle role
1486 neart plenty
1487 gairme career
1488 eireaball tail
1489 breithe birth
1490 iarratas a dhéanamh to apply
1491 oifigiúla official
1492 le baint to relate
1493 cinniúint fate
1494 tionscadal project
1495 samhlaíocht imagination
1496 eagla a chur ort to frighten
1497 margadh market
1498 dorn fist
1499 le foirnéisí to owe
1500 rún intention
1501 nasc connection
1502 sraith series
1503 misneach courage
1504 túr tower
1505 loch lake
1506 chun cinn to emerge
1507 le geall to bet
1508 scannán movie
1509 sciorta skirt
1510 ag gol to weep
1511 seomra chamber
1512 triail trial
1513 draíochta magic
1514 inneall engine
1515 go raibh maith agat thanks
1516 scríobh writing
1517 cnaipe button
1518 scannáin film
1519 chun fiach a dhéanamh to hunt
1520 gnáth ordinary
1521 leathnú to extend
1522 a shábháil to spare
1523 teoiric theory
1524 gnáth normal
1525 seasta steady
1526 le deonú to grant
1527 meitheamh June
1528 jew Jew
1529 téacs text
1530 go hiomlán absolutely
1531 onóir honour
1532 snámh to float
1533 Mystery mystery
1534 séasúr season
1535 úinéir owner
1536 a thabhairt to afford
1537 dath colour
1538 comhairle advice
1539 pháirtí partner
1540 le meas to admire
1541 caipín cap
1542 saoirse freedom
1543 dhá ghloine to glare
1544 ag dul to deserve
1545 beannú to greet
1546 chun barróg a dhéanamh to hug
1547 foirne staff
1548 chun sá to thrust
1549 ina dhiaidh sin afterwards
1550 ceart correct
1551 ag brath to depend
1552 ag snámh to swim
1553 linn snámha pool
1554 comhartha signal
1555 neamhchiontach innocent
1556 sÚil heel
1557 generelt generally
1558 imbhalla curtain
1559 seilbh possession
1560 grianghraf photograph
1561 éigean scarcely
1562 raidió radio
1563 dúchais native
1564 liath grey
1565 foirm blanket
1566 agallamh interview
1567 cead a thabhairt to permit
1568 salach dirty
1569 náire shame
1570 deireadh a chur leis to cease
1571 ubh egg
1572 míniú explanation
1573 lucht féachana audience
1574 uafásach awful
1575 píopa pipe
1576 brú a chur air to strain
1577 ealaíontóir artist
1578 chun brú a chur air to squeeze
1579 úrscéal Roman
1580 achomharc a dhéanamh to appeal
1581 éadach cloth
1582 toirt volume
1583 soir east
1584 alt section
1585 cur isteach air to disturb
1586 Alexa rank
1587 cairdiúil friendly
1588 ocras hungry
1589 go n-éireoidh sí as a chéile to creep
1590 chuairteoirí visitor
1591 i ngach áit everywhere
1592 creidimh religious
1593 a fháil to obtain
1594 feoil meat
1595 Ceartas justice
1596 dul chun cinn progress
1597 thuas staighre upstairs
1598 creideamh belief
1599 ceangal a dhéanamh to connect
1600 úrscéal novel
1601 Ghost ghost
1602 é mar aidhm to aim
1603 go fling to fling
1604 Dé Sathairn Saturday
1605 máinliacht operation
1606 chun faoiseamh a thabhairt to relieve
1607 níos mó anymore
1608 trots despite
1609 bainne milk
1610 glacadh leis to embrace
1611 seomra folctha bathroom
1612 pota pot
1613 bualadh to encounter
1614 eastáit estate
1615 siar previous
1616 le casadh to spin
1617 ficsean fiction
1618 gaiste trap
1619 tionchar a bheith aige to affect
1620 drugaí drug
1621 síoda silk
1622 anraithí supper
1623 ólta drunk
1624 leid hint
1625 a athsholáthar to replace
1626 indignantly harm
1627 torthaí fruit
1628 ríomhaire computer
1629 Elbow elbow
1630 a shíolraigh to descend
1631 dhá chaillteanas to tap
1632 póirse porch
1633 swell to swell
1634 ups upper
1635 seanathair grandfather
1636 fheidhmiú exercise
1637 leabharlann library
1638 le reo to freeze
1639 go mbeidh sé trína chéile to upset
1640 gearán a dhéanamh to complain
1641 europe Europe
1642 bhfabhar favor
1643 Beast beast
1644 le teacht chun cinn to arise
1645 dúshlán challenge
1646 cith shower
1647 Gréigis Greek
1648 Le linn throughout
1649 gnéasach sexual
1650 teaghrán string
1651 teorainn limit
1652 bialann restaurant
1653 reiligiún religion
1654 brú pressure
1655 chun éalú to vanish
1656 cairde grace
1657 ollmhór vast
1658 admháil to confess
1659 íobairt sacrifice
1660 teacht arrival
1661 a ghéarú to jerk
1662 ceacht lesson
1663 saoire lad
1664 ola oil
1665 patrún pattern
1666 rialta regular
1667 raidhfil rifle
1668 ádh lucky
1669 asal ass
1670 Tuigeann conscious
1671 praiseach mess
1672 eilimint element
1673 chun grós a dhéanamh to groan
1674 konsekvens consequence
1675 cothromaíocht balance
1676 prionsabal principle
1677 gean affection
1678 atá ann faoi láthair current
1679 coinneal candle
1680 cac shit
1681 le flea to flee
1682 airde height
1683 stoic stock
1684 ridire knight
1685 clog clock
1686 caisleán castle
1687 fál fence
1688 sé nó sí ciontach guilty
1689 le réiteach to resolve
1690 le glúine to kneel
1691 scíth a ligean to relax
1692 teampall temple
1693 sa bhreis ar besides
1694 iris magazine
1695 is fearr leat favorite
1696 ina suí seated
1697 aibreán April
1698 traidisiún tradition
1699 searbh bitter
1700 a thuiscint to appreciate
1701 eolaíocht science
1702 tóir popular
1703 seanmháthair grandmother
1704 samhail model
1705 dhá shiver to shiver
1706 laethúil daily
1707 plé discussion
1708 Prionsa prince
1709 stiall to strip
1710 a thabhairt i gcrích to conclude
1711 éide uniform
1712 Cur síos description
1713 uasteorainn ceiling
1714 Bush bush
1715 intersted interested
1716 Go dlúth closely
1717 le cling to cling
1718 forma bench
1719 a shaothrú to pursue
1720 cróga brave
1721 sásamh satisfaction
1722 crawl a dhéanamh to crawl
1723 liteartha literary
1724 fuilteacha bloody
1725 a chur i gcomparáid to compare
1726 eachtrach foreign
1727 a mholadh to propose
1728 peann pen
1729 fiosrú a dhéanamh to inquire
1730 gcabhair aid
1731 cairdeas friendship
1732 chun tuairteála to crash
1733 eachtraíochta adventure
1734 troid to stride
1735 cultúr culture
1736 bhíoma beam
1737 sábháilteacht safety
1738 march March
1739 gloiní glasses
1740 evne ability
1741 den scoth excellent
1742 go daingean firmly
1743 tuiscint understanding
1744 cruach steel
1745 aingeal angel
1746 fathach giant
1747 amhras suspicion
1748 anaithnid unknown
1749 chun tús a chur leis to startle
1750 comhionann equal
1751 puball tent
1752 ag gáire to gleam
1753 cliste smart
1754 ghiniúint generation
1755 chun seasamh in aghaidh to resist
1756 go sob to sob
1757 in aghaidh na per
1758 Samplaí riamh whenever
1759 litriú spell
1760 imoibriú reaction
1761 oideachas education
1762 cruthúnas proof
1763 a spreagadh to excite
1764 a sholas to blink
1765 le fuip to whip
1766 a aithint to identify
1767 babhla bowl
1768 a nochtadh to expose
1769 rabhadh warning
1770 doimhneacht depth
1771 caibidil chapter
1772 socrú arrangement
1773 chun pian a mhaolú to ache
1774 sip to sip
1775 go mór heavily
1776 italian Italian
1777 a chuckle to chuckle
1778 Palace palace
1779 dáiríre seriously
1780 chun cúlú to retreat
1781 péinteáil painting
1782 viktigheten importance
1783 breise extra
1784 banríon queen
1785 ciúin silently
1786 le sloda to slam
1787 freagracht responsibility
1788 fad altogether
1789 go holc badly
1790 paisinéirí passenger
1791 oscailt opening
1792 iúil July
1793 scil skill
1794 misean mission
1795 dul sa tóir air to chase
1796 saincheaptha custom
1797 claonadh a bheith ann to tend
1798 modh method
1799 cow
1800 fonn eager
1801 laoch warrior
1802 chun clutch to clutch
1803 a bhrath to perceive
1804 uaimh cave
1805 creidmheasa credit
1806 moladh praise
1807 Chumasach capable
1808 le fruiliú to hire
1809 leagan version
1810 comharsa neighbor
1811 a cheilt to conceal
1812 le druileáil to bore
1813 comhbhrón sympathy
1814 sreang wire
1815 fiosracht curiosity
1816 dhá oibleagáid to oblige
1817 crios belt
1818 gaol relative
1819 coincheap notion
1820 a ghabháil to capture
1821 chun athrú to switch
1822 conaire corridor
1823 imeacht to depart
1824 láithreach instantly
1825 spanish Spanish
1826 bhagairt threat
1827 Sínis Chinese
1828 go mór highly
1829 Faoi dheireadh eventually
1830 a fhostú to employ
1831 nasc link
1832 as láthair absence
1833 éadóchas despair
1834 struchtúr structure
1835 uaigneach lonely
1836 buíoch grateful
1837 tarraingt siar to withdraw
1838 léarscáil map
1839 den chuid is mó mostly
1840 Aire minister
1841 le feiceáil visible
1842 soitheach vessel
1843 máistreás mistress
1844 a cheangal to attach
1845 íogair delicate
1846 a chur amú to confuse
1847 gairmiúla professional
1848 teas warmth
1849 briste broken
1850 sceite to exhaust
1851 amaideach silly
1852 bleachtaireachta detective
1853 brón sorrow
1854 diallait saddle
1855 damáiste damage
1856 deas rare
1857 a bhrath to betray
1858 a chodladh to slap
1859 a admháil to acknowledge
1860 gúna gown
1861 soladach solid
1862 thar a bheith extremely
1863 frása phrase
1864 ingne nail
1865 a ghlanadh to rent
1866 a chothabháil to maintain
1867 lúnasa August
1868 a luí to impress
1869 oibrí worker
1870 konkluderer conclusion
1871 gun pistol
1872 teachín cottage
1873 thar cionn brilliant
1874 saoránach citizen
1875 Go tapa rapidly
1876 le feadóg to whistle
1877 le déanaí recently
1878 éadóchasach desperate
1879 héadrom lightly
1880 gné aspect
1881 mearbhall confusion
1882 gránna ugly
1883 faisnéis intelligence
1884 leaba sofa
1885 le seid to shed
1886 stór darling
1887 daidí dad
1888 cuar curve
1889 Breeze breeze
1890 lika equally
1891 téip tape
1892 chun fiontair a dhéanamh to venture
1893 go mór to scratch
1894 boladh scent
1895 a mhealladh to attract
1896 forbairt development
1897 dhá bacach to halt
1898 bioráin to pin
1899 a shove to shove
1900 leighis medical
1901 fána slope
1902 go nádúrtha naturally
1903 meabhrach mental
1904 a chosaint to defend
1905 a thuilleamh to earn
1906 guí to bid
1907 ceamara camera
1908 DIRT dirt
1909 bhlaosc shell
1910 plota plot
1911 choróin crown
1912 éirigh successful
1913 bhua virtue
1914 tuile flood
1915 Róimh Rome
1916 sparán purse
1917 filíochta poetry
1918 a phiocadh to pop
1919 bolg belly
1920 iomlán total
1921 a dhearbhú to confirm
1922 Breithiúnas judgment
1923 enorme enormous
1924 chun crush to crush
1925 cispheil basket
1926 foscadh shelter
1927 le pat to pat
1928 ansvarlig responsible
1929 Chonaic consciousness
1930 senaste recent
1931 a roinnt to divide
1932 coiriúil criminal
1933 lómhara precious
1934 cothrom fairly
1935 a spreagadh to encourage
1936 teorann border
1937 farraige ocean
1938 duilleoga blade
1939 machnamh reflection
1940 sochraide funeral
1941 roinn department
1942 neamhghnách unusual
1943 dhá áiteamh to persuade
1944 feithicil vehicle
1945 cúlra background
1946 caighdeánach standard
1947 teilifís television
1948 chun cúisigh to accuse
1949 go hiomlán totally
1950 sochar benefit
1951 bia dining
1952 a chomhlachú to associate
1953 dhá rindreáil to render
1954 cléireach clerk
1955 cead permission
1956 dlí legal
1957 chósta coast
1958 imní anxiety
1959 teideal title
1960 tairisceana tender
1961 taighde research
1962 císte cake
1963 chun tarrthála a dhéanamh to rescue
1964 feirmeoir farmer
1965 foréigean violence
1966 moladh suggestion
1967 óige childhood
1968 dhá osna to suck
1969 Luaíocht reward
1970 Hook hook
1971 cliant client
1972 fiú worthy
1973 mistéireach mysterious
1974 docht tightly
1975 éadrócaireach cruel
1976 géar sharply
1977 cearc chicken
1978 gúna robe
1979 ceint sensation
1980 chun stumble to stumble
1981 teagasc instruction
1982 tsuim sum
1983 dhá shudder to shudder
1984 troscán furniture
1985 moill delay
1986 fheidhmíocht performance
1987 oiliúint training
1988 chum é sleeve
1989 Treasure treasure
1990 ordóg thumb
1991 dash to dash
1992 eachtra incident
1993 seasca sixty
1994 láibe mud
1995 chun é a defeat to defeat
1996 tarraiceán drawer
1997 scéal narrative
1998 oráiste orange
1999 cliste clever
2000 le blush to blush
Main Office:

123, New Lenox, Chicago
IL, 60606

Campus Location:

University Centre City,
7 Hill Str, B5 4UA

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