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Italian Verbs for Visual Learners - Commonly Used Words
Started on January 13, 2025

Italian Verbs for Visual Learners

This Italian language course takes you through all the most important Italian verbs and verb conjugations in a fun and seamless way.

Our visual method lets you learn Italian 10x faster than other students.



The course contains

  • 15 video lessons for visual learners with more than 3 hours of video.
  • 1500 Italian sentences plus English translations.
  • All material in video, audio and text.
  • Audio lessons to listen to in your car or on the run.
  • Teaches you the most useful tenses and conjugations.
  • New and innovative learning method.
  • Highly structured path to mastery.

Your Instructor

Ciao! My name is Annalisa, I was born and bred in the beautiful coastal town of Genoa, North West Italy. For the past 10 years I have taught Italian to students of all ages and levels. I am thrilled to present to you our Italian Verbs Course and to help my students learn verb conjugations even faster!

How was the course made?

This may sound boring 🙂 We first selected the 150 most commonly used Italian verbs, based on both written and spoken Italian language. For each 150 verbs, we then selected the most commonly used conjugations – i.e. ho, hai, ha etc. for the verb avere.

We then wrote a number of sentences in Italian for each of the selected conjugations for each of the selected verbs. The more common a verb/conjugation is, the more sentences we wrote for it, amounting to a total of 1500 Italian sentences.

These Italian sentences were then translated into English, and both the Italian and English sentences where then recorded as audio.

What will I learn?

Most common verbs are practiced the most.

The 1500 sentences are structured in a way, so the most popular verbs are practiced the most. That also means, that the more common a verb is, the more tenses and conjugations are practiced for that verb during the course.

How does it work?

We created this course as an Italian verbs course – for each Italian sentence that is practiced throughout the course, one specific verb and verb conjugation is practiced.

Sure, there are several other verbs included in the course – but at the center of each sentence is one of the top 150 Italian verbs, and one of the top conjugations for that verb.

Everything is written out in the course, so you can easily follow what verb, tense, and conjugation is being practiced at any given time.

Italian Verbs Course example

Let us help you through our online italian verbs course

Get This Course Now!


Main Office:

123, New Lenox, Chicago
IL, 60606

Campus Location:

University Centre City,
7 Hill Str, B5 4UA

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