Top 100 Italian Verbs

The table below contains the 100 most common Italian verbs.

Top 100 Italian Verbs

Verbs are a fundamental part of every language. They define mental and physical actions, states and occurrences.

While studying Italian verbs, you may find some similarities with English. However, this is usually the wrong approach to learn Italian: you don’t want to get confused!

An overview of Italian Verbs

Since Italian verbs are classified in different ways, it may be easier to plan your study method following a proper scheme.

First of all, Italian verbs are categorized in three primary groups, according to the ending of their infinitives: first conjugation (-are verbs); second conjugation (-ere verbs); third conjugation (-ire verbs).

The majority of Italian verbs belongs to the first conjugation, and they thus follow a uniform pattern. This could make studying Italian verbs easier: once you learn how to conjugate a couple of -are verbs, you have mastered hundreds of them.

In Italian, the form of verbs is based on the nature of the subject. This means that both the verb and its subject must be masculine or feminine, singular or plural. This is particularly important when you want to use definitive moods (modi finiti). They refer to the attitude of the speaker toward the action he or she is describing: using a certain definite mood can change orders into a request, or even into future actions.

While English has only three finite moods (indicative, subjunctive and imperative), the Italian grammar includes four different finite moods: indicative (indicativo), subjunctive (congiuntivo), conditional (condizionale), imperative imperativo). Still, you will need to familiarise yourself with the indefinite moods (modi infiniti). They do not indicate the person they refer to, and they can easily confuse any non-native Italian speaker. Italian indefinite moods are infinitive (infinito), participle (participio) and gerund (gerundio).

Essere and Avere

Verbs describe actions, and the most used ones refer to conditions (something you are) and ownership (something you have). Thus, you cannot speak Italian without learning the verb essere (to be) and avere (to have)! They do not follow any common conjugation pattern, so you just need to learn them by heart.

How to study Italian Verbs

Learning Italian verbs is not something you can do just staring at a long list of words.

To master Italian verbs, you cannot just know them by heart. You must understand how conjugations work, and try to use them as much as possible when hanging out with your Italian friends. Thus, here you can find a comprehensive list of the top 100 Italian verbs, chosen among the most used ones. Learning them will allow you to hold a proper conversation in Italian!

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Interactive table of top 100 Italian verbs

Rank Italian English
1 essere to be
2 avere to have
3 potere can
4 fare to make
5 dire to say
6 venire to come
7 dovere to have to
8 dare to give
9 andare to go
10 vedere to see
11 parlare to talk
12 pensare to think
13 trovare to find
14 ottenere to get
15 partire to leave
16 mettere to put
17 prendere to take
18 vivere to live
19 ricordare to remember
20 passare to pass
21 credere to believe
22 raggiungere to reach
23 tenere to hold
24 creare to create
25 rispondere to reply
Rank Italian English
26 cercare to search
27 diventare to become
28 lasciare to leave
29 pagare to pay
30 accettare to accept
31 chiedere to ask
32 presentare to present
33 parere to appear
34 arrivare to arrive
35 uscire to go out
36 lavorare to work
37 usare to use
38 continuare to continue
39 tornare to return
40 perdere to lose
41 rimanere to stay
42 cogliere to catch
43 volere to want
44 offrire to offer
45 condurre to lead
46 guardare to watch
47 chiamare to call
48 valere to be worth
49 trarre to draw
50 provare to try
Rank Italian English
51 cominciare to begin
52 decidere to decide
53 riuscire to succeed
54 dimenticare to forget
55 restare to stay
56 discutere to discuss
57 ripetere to repeat
58 aprire to open
59 esistere to exist
60 togliere to remove
61 crescere to grow
62 cambiare to change
63 ritornare to return
64 mancare to miss
65 vincere to win
66 preparare to prepare
67 mangiare to eat
68 correre to run
69 piacere to be liked
70 godere to enjoy
71 amare to love
72 aspettare to wait
73 chiudere to close
74 aiutare to help
75 mandare to send
Rank Italian English
76 iniziare to start
77 ascoltare to listen
78 temere to fear
79 muovere to move
80 incontrare to meet
81 imparare to learn
82 visitare to visit
83 insegnare to teach
84 raccontare to tell
85 ridere to laugh
86 correggere to correct
87 coprire to cover
88 tacere to be silent
89 bere to drinking
90 rompere to break
91 uccidere to kill
92 inviare to send
93 cantare to sing
94 giocare to play
95 dividere to divide
96 nascondere to hide
97 camminare to walk
98 guidare to drive, to guide
99 piangere to cry
100 guadagnare to earn

Find links to conjugations and example sentences for all (well, almost all) 100 verbs below:
1 essere to be, 2 avere to have, 3 potere can, 4 fare to make, 5 dire to say, 6 venire to come, 7 dovere to have to, 8 dare to give, 9 andare to go, 10 vedere to see, 11 parlare to talk, 12 pensare to think, 13 trovare to find, 14 ottenere to get, 15 partire to leave, 16 mettere to put, 17 prendere to take, 18 vivere to live, 19 ricordare to remember, 20 passare to pass, 21 credere to believe, 22 raggiungere to reach, 23 tenere to hold, 24 creare to create, 25 rispondere to reply, 26 cercare to search, 27 diventare to become, 28 lasciare to leave, 29 pagare to pay, 30 accettare to accept, 31 chiedere to ask, 32 presentare to present, 33 parere to appear, 34 arrivare to arrive, 35 uscire to go out, 36 lavorare to work, 37 usare to use, 38 continuare to continue, 39 tornare to return, 40 perdere to lose, 41 rimanere to stay, 42 cogliere to catch, 43 volere to want, 44 offrire to offer, 45 condurre to lead, 46 guardare to watch, 47 chiamare to call, 48 valere to be worth, 49 trarre to draw, 50 provare to try, 51 cominciare to begin, 52 decidere to decide, 53 riuscire to succeed, 54 dimenticare to forget, 55 restare to stay, 56 discutere to discuss, 57 ripetere to repeat, 58 aprire to open, 59 esistere to exist, 60 togliere to remove, 61 crescere to grow, 62 cambiare to change, 63 ritornare to return, 64 mancare to miss, 65 vincere to win, 66 preparare to prepare, 67 mangiare to eat, 68 correre to run, 69 piacere to be liked, 70 godere to enjoy, 71 amare to love, 72 aspettare to wait, 73 chiudere to close, 74 aiutare to help, 75 mandare to send, 76 iniziare to start, 77 ascoltare to listen, 78 temere to fear, 79 muovere to move, 80 incontrare to meet, 81 imparare to learn, 82 visitare to visit, 83 insegnare to teach, 84 raccontare to tell, 85 ridere to laugh, 86 correggere to correct, 87 coprire to cover, 88 tacere to be silent, 89 bere to drinking, 90 rompere to break, 91 uccidere to kill, 92 inviare to send, 93 cantare to sing, 94 giocare to play, 95 dividere to divide, 96 nascondere to hide, 97 camminare to walk, 98 guidare to drive, to guide, 99 piangere to cry, 100 guadagnare to earn


Rank Italian word are, ere, ire English translation
1 essere -ere to be
2 avere -ere to have
3 potere -ere can
4 fare -are to make
5 dire -ire to say
6 venire -ire to come
7 dovere -ere to have to
8 dare -are to give
9 andare -are to go
10 vedere -ere to see
11 parlare -are to talk
12 pensare -are to think
13 trovare -are to find
14 ottenere -ere to get
15 partire -ire to leave
16 mettere -ere to put
17 prendere -ere to take
18 vivere -ere to live
19 ricordare -are to remember
20 passare -are to pass
21 credere -ere to believe
22 raggiungere -ere to reach
23 tenere -ere to hold
24 creare -are to create
25 rispondere -ere to reply
26 cercare -are to search
27 diventare -are to become
28 lasciare -are to leave
29 pagare -are to pay
30 accettare -are to accept
31 chiedere -ere to ask
32 presentare -are to present
33 parere -ere to appear
34 arrivare -are to arrive
35 uscire -ire to go out
36 lavorare -are to work
37 usare -are to use
38 continuare -are to continue
39 tornare -are to return
40 perdere -ere to lose
41 rimanere -ere to stay
42 cogliere -ere to catch
43 volere -ere to want
44 offrire -ire to offer
45 condurre -rre to lead
46 guardare -are to watch
47 chiamare -are to call
48 valere -ere to be worth
49 trarre -rre to draw
50 provare -are to try
51 cominciare -are to begin
52 decidere -ere to decide
53 riuscire -ire to succeed
54 dimenticare -are to forget
55 restare -are to stay
56 discutere -ere to discuss
57 ripetere -ere to repeat
58 aprire -ire to open
59 esistere -ere to exist
60 togliere -ere to remove
61 crescere -ere to grow
62 cambiare -are to change
63 ritornare -are to return
64 mancare -are to miss
65 vincere -ere to win
66 preparare -are to prepare
67 mangiare -are to eat
68 correre -ere to run
69 piacere -ere to be liked
70 godere -ere to enjoy
71 amare -are to love
72 aspettare -are to wait
73 chiudere -ere to close
74 aiutare -are to help
75 mandare -are to send
76 iniziare -are to start
77 ascoltare -are to listen
78 temere -ere to fear
79 muovere -ere to move
80 incontrare -are to meet
81 imparare -are to learn
82 visitare -are to visit
83 insegnare -are to teach
84 raccontare -are to tell
85 ridere -ere to laugh
86 correggere -ere to correct
87 coprire -ire to cover
88 tacere -ere to be silent
89 bere -ere to drinking
90 rompere -ere to break
91 uccidere -ere to kill
92 inviare -are to send
93 cantare -are to sing
94 giocare -are to play
95 dividere -ere to divide
96 nascondere -ere to hide
97 camminare -are to walk
98 guidare -are to drive, to guide
99 piangere -ere to cry
100 guadagnare -are to earn

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